Timing runs using the frame count
9 years ago

I feel there should be a standard frame timing method in place for closely tied WRs. "Timer STARTS at character selection and ENDS when you open the warehouse safe room door" isn't specific enough.

I would say that "the frame the text disappears on the character selection screen" to "the first frame that the timer freezes at the warehouse door" is more appropriate. Subtract these two frame counters to get the total frames spent in the run.

For example: Frame 300 - Text disappears in the character selection screen (you have selected this character) Frame 4000 - The timer value at the top is identical to the previous frame 4000 - 300 = 3700 frames. This would be the counter used for timing. Divide the frames by 30 to get the time in seconds.

What do you think?


frames is better if i am honest. it is RTA but more accurate

United States

Frame count seems to be way more accurate for those close WRs, RTA was required and timer / splits on screen because we are timing from point A to point B but it is getting to a point where we need something more accurate.

Also, why is it putting 0xx ms as the time? I'm really triggered by this 0.48 on livesplit would be 480ms Kappa

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