Deluxe Edition / Standard edition
6 years ago


I just wanted to ask something about the game before it comes out on steam. There is a deluxe edition and a Standard edition. Most of the DLC items are costumes in the deluxe edition but there is one Item called "Albert Model Samurai Edge" (which is a gun) that would be added for DLC aswell. Would this mean DLC is banned for speedrunning, and if that's so, do you think there is a way to install the game without automaticly insatlling the DLC aswell ?

United States

It would probably give an early or in game advantage no I doubt in would be allowed..."Purchaseable DLC that gives an in-game advantage, and unlockables are banned"

Washington, USA

On PS4 and Steam, games let you choose what DLC you want installed (If you still want the costumes, assuming they don't affect gameplay unlike RE4). I can confirm that the PS4 Deluxe edition counts the content as DLC for these purposes, but I can't say for Steam.

United States

The DLC items should be in the jsut dont pick them up along with the NG+ items and you should be fine

Angus, Scotland

The only banned dlc items being the Samurai Edges right? the costumes are fine (atleast for ng+)?

United Kingdom

Costumes and soundtrack swap are fine I believe.

Soulless_Persona likes this
United States

Yes they are