What's the difference between special towers and exclusive towers?
4 months ago
Arkansas, USA

just the title. this post doesn't make it very clear imo (grammar/spelling errors and typos), so can someone explain it in a concise way?

Arkansas, USA

oh, I think I get it now. exclusive towers (or event towers) are special towers. so it's like this:

Exclusive towers are towers that were won by an Event. Hardcore towers are towers that were bought with Gems. Golden towers are towers with a Golden Perk enabled.

Exclusive, Hardcore, and Golden towers are all Special towers.

  • All Towers: Runs that use at least one Special tower.
  • No Exclusive Towers: Runs that use at least one Hardcore or Golden tower and don't use any Exclusive towers.
  • No Special Towers: Runs that don't use any Special towers.

can the guide be updated to look something like what I wrote?

ScapeHunter likes this

thanks fr

United Arab Emirates

all towers - no tower restrictions(doesn't require you to actually have an ST tower, you can submit an NST run under a NET or all towers category) no exclusive - former no event category, self explanatory no special - only coin/level towers

Toronto, ON, Canada

Just a question I had pertaining to this.

Do Warden and Cowboy count as special towers? It confuses me since they are won from a special gamemode, but you buy them with regular coins. I would like to know since I am currently trying to get some runs in all three of these categories.


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