Challenge mode leaderboards
7 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Marathon, Sprint, and Ultra challenge modes when?

AquaBlake likes this

What would the rules be? How far or how many lines would you have to clear? Most tetris leaderboards do 100....

Edited by the author 7 years ago
AriesFireTiger likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Marathon and Ultra are score-based. Marathon is the highest score you can get within 150 lines. Ultra is a 3-minute score attack.

Sprint is clearing 40 Lines as quickly as possible.

100 lines category would be cool.

Maybe a Puyos cleared category as well?

Let's get some discussion going :)

Illinois, USA

Since this is a speedun website, I think that Ultra would be the best one to do. I'm sure there are other websites that are more focused on score based leaderboards, though. I mean, if the demand is high enough, I suppose we could do it all, though it would also be hard to keep track of it in this format. Just my thoughts though. :P


I don't see how Ultra would be the best one to do as it is purely a score mode and is restricted to a set 3 minutes. The Sprint mode is definitely one I'd like to see though.

Delta386 and AquaBlake like this
Illinois, USA

Oops, my bad. I meant Sprint lol

AquaBlake likes this

I would love to see Sprint and Marathon have a category, for 40 lines and 150 lines. I'd also like to see a 1000 lines category but that probably won't be done because it's kinda annoying to do a 50 minute run.

And there's no reason to do 1000 lines.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Delta386 likes this
Illinois, USA

I have added a Level leaderboard for Sprint and Marathon, so feel free to submit any challenge mode runs! Also, respond to this thread if you want any other challenges added, though keep in mind it has to be based around speedrunning and time. :)


this is the sheet of Japanese sprint records. If moderators are watching this, please add records to If that is difficult, I want you to be a moderator.


Also, I want you to display Sprint's time up to 1 / 100th of a second

Illinois, USA

Hi, we added the ability to show time in milliseconds, so the times will be more accurate!As for the document, I did think of that a while back. I would like to add those records, but we do require a video for proof and viewing purposes. I suppose I could try to track them all down, however there's a lot of them to go through, and I don't think I could do that all myself. Not to mention the runs should be submitted by the player in question, in case they don't want their run to be recorded here for whatever reason. I guess my suggestion if anyone REALLY wants those records here, is to try contacting that specific person and asking them if they wanted to. Other than that, thanks for letting me know!