idk how good it is but it's pretty fun. idk if its faster or not but all the jumps are frame perfect. this is a TAS btw.
I have no clue what WR does. it's definitely faster so I'll probably have to figure that out someday.
almost tied with a good level 1! any other tips I can do to improve?
You want to stay on the ground for the fastest route, not the rooftops.
The reason for this is that while the screen is scrolling, you maintain top speed while jumping and landing along the same X axis. That is, starting and finishing your jump on the same level (in this case, the ground) and jumping immediately after you land will maintain the screen scrolling at the fastest possible speed the longest.
In your latest video, watch how much your speed drops when you jump off a rooftop and land on the ground. Your speed noticably slows down when you jump from a higher level and land on a lower level.
I'm on mobile and can't immediately compare times, but you can definitely improve the time by staying on the ground and jumping constantly without ever going up to the rooftops.
Try it again without climbing on top of the buildings and keep doing your frame perfect jumps, see how much faster it is. =) I don't know how much time is lost, but watch Pero's speed when you fall from the top of a building to the ground and you should see what I mean.
Good luck!
In my experience big jumps are faster than small jumps in this game.
I created this video to prove it to myself. This is on the arabia level where Pero is driving a car, but I believe the same applies when Pero is walking.