Equipement, Gems, routing?
4 years ago

Hello everyone! French Xenoblade lover here! I wanted to get into speedrunning the game (starting off with a NG+ Any% run) and I tried looking for a guide or anything related to what was necessary to go fast. As the title says, I'd like to find a way to get "perfect" gems, equipement and routing to be able to go for it as easily as possible. I'm sometimes blind and if there is indeed a guide already up, then I'm sorry for not finding it! >__<"

Anyway, I'm really feeling it! Good night/evening/day to everyone ;)

XenoPlayed curtiram isso

Hi, fellow French Xenoblade lover ^^

You should really consider entering the Xeno speedrun Discord server (link in "Discord" on the page), as there should be a good enough guide in the pins + we should be able to answer all your questions (I say we but I'll let more competent persons do it but still lol).

Good night to ya! ^^