Any% in 30m 23s by
warning: contains unhealthy doses of polish language, keyboard noises and inside jokes
as i lost roughly 200 frames this stream approach me directly at zolaa#6580 if this twitch highlight is unverifiable and a local recording is needed
finally watched WR to learn Mona and Dribble's bosses (still messed up Galaxy 2003 yeeeeeeeeee)
i will stop bothering yall with my runs when i get 29:xx
mod note: dw about it 200 frames isnt that much lol
some changes
hi! i'd like to detail some recent changes to these boards.
the gba's native framerate is approximately 59.7275 fps. the issue is that a lot of emulators (most notably mgba) use 60 instead of the native framerate by default. while this doesn't sound like that much, this adds up quite a bit, and in
Runs recentes