New moderator looking for Categorie suggestions
4 years ago
Puerto Rico

Hey guys im the new moderator im thinking of adding several match types from the game that obvisously arent already. i also want suggestions for categories for specific things for example in wwe smackdown shut your mouth theres a category for D-von percent which in you have to donate to dvon as fast as possible so if you have any creative ideas let me know in this forum.

Puerto Rico

for example and yes this is a stupid example beat debra. you as stone cold have to beat debra as fast as possible without maxing finishers in a normal match stupid suggestions like this might be verified as i guess as joke categories in fact i might just take this and make it a categorie.


THIS! IS! AMAZING! My brother & me play this all the time! We look forward to these new ideas! :)


Also how can I include his Speedrun username within a run?

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