Timing change for ILs – opinions?
1 month ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hey, everyone!

Recently, a new runner of the game, ArchieWIZARD, brought up the suggestion that the rules be tweaked for ILs. Instead of timing from elevator black frame to elevator black frame, we could stop the timer as soon as the "Level Completed!" text is visible, upon hitting the Boss. Since there's not a lot of IL runs already, we could retroactively change the times to fit this new rule.


  • Quicker runs, which could mean more runs;
  • Focuses the IL runs on the setup and throw, which is arguably what really matters.


  • We lose a bit on the maneuvering to get back to the elevator, which is a challenge in and of itself;
  • There'd no longer be as much need for being a precise clicker, as the elevator button (in a rush) currently requires.

I'm not against changing it, but I'd also like to give people the opportunity to voice their opinions. If you feel any type of way about this change, please let us know! Feel free to suggest more Pros and Cons if I've missed any as well.

I'll give it, let's say, a week? On the 21st of August, I'll close this thread with a decision! Cheers!

Editado por o autor 1 month ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alright, since there was no opposition, I'll soon update the rules and re-time previously submitted runs! Cheers!

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