Category Requests
4 years ago
United States

To keep the forums from getting added a new thread every time there's a new category idea we've created this forum. This thread is for category requests, the best way to get a category added is to have a video provided in your request

This thread could also be used for requesting changes to already existing categories.

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness curtiram isso
São Paulo, Brazil

Hey, some chance to create categories you can't use continues?

Alaska, USA

Aka a no revives category

Editado por o autor 4 years ago
New Zealand

Just follow my guide on getting free gems. I got over 150,000 in about 15 minutes. (If it works for you) Then since revives only cost nothing, you won't need to worry about no revive categories

Alaska, USA

yea but you only have one chance for a no revive run

Alaska, USA

the runs without video proof should be deleted, but i guess theres too much of them

On WT4, each of the 55 songs can be played separately (at the home screen select "Play" rather than "Start"). Each one could be an IL run, similar to other Piano Tiles games.

SunShard e ERDarky curtiu isso
New Zealand

Yeah i was thinking that too @Machs2Point0, since it is there, and it is clearly has a score... One thing is that there are no consecutive tiles, but instead hold tiles... and i can actually get good score in them when my ipad doesn't lag.

Machs2Point0 e SunShard curtiu isso
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