Englandzergu122 months ago

i can't stand the sfx of super mario 64.. i will never play it and think it's just a stupid game.. sorry

2d mario only good mario

Englandzergu124 months ago

thanks dash / mav -- this is great news

Englandzergu121 year ago

hey i got mentioned! <removed bit about deano>

so my opinion on IL leaderboards, i mostly don't care, but it can potentially clog up the 'recent runs' sidebar which is my only issue with it.

i have no issue with Kuma he's been fair with me, but i don't go on the discord.

and hype ghost, he's a genius, and he came up with amazing stuff like ele manip and FD manip (along with ace) and so yeah, he shouldn't be banned without some serious thought. a lot of people didn't like him and will deny he was good at the game, but they are just jealous or blinded by their hatred of him. he accused ppl of cheating without proof yes, but he wasn't being insincere he just wanted to make sure everything was fair and it bothered him how easy it is to cheat and not get caught, by modifying the game data to for example prevent aqualung ever happening. he's not wrong about that.

he was going through some difficult real life shit and people just had no patience with him and that's on the community more than it's on him. if you could tolerate and help him rather than ban him and shit talk him then it could've ended differently. but he doesn't give a f**k i'm sure cos life is treating him well now. but we lost one of the best contributors to the run in modern times. and all we gained is smug haters who contribute nothing! i'll name no names but you know who you are.

this IL thing seems like not a big deal, not sure why people are bothered by it. just don't run the categories you consider pointless and problem solved. seems weird to attack kuma, but maybe i missed something.

Ganordan curtiram isso
Englandzergu122 years ago

the situation this leaves me in is: play with a disadvantage or don't play at all. those are my options. i'm sure that wasn't the intention of anyone voting, but that is the reality.

Englandzergu122 years ago

try it with movement, see if it's consistent. if it's going off at random times it doesn't really help much vs no turbo.

i'm trying to reinstall it to try your setting but it's not working atm

but yeah if you can hold say, right with turbo and have it move consistently without being jerky, then that would convince me that you have done it. it would prove it's possible in theory.

i think another issue is it doesn't let you bind to arrow keys so you may have to rebind movement to something else to test..

i think thats why i used movement to test, cos my playstation buttons are my arrow keys.

Englandzergu122 years ago

worked perfectly? i tried that exact program and it worked terribly - are you playing fullscreen maybe?

also yeah it only works til you reset twice then it asks for $$$

it gave me turbo but it was incredibly unreliable, not comparable to an optimal turbo in any way. not sure why you had a better experience.

maybe you didnt test it properly, try bind it to movement and see how you move, is it jerky or is it fluid/consistent.

for me it was totally random no matter how i fiddled with the settings

Englandzergu122 years ago

if nobody can tell me how to get 15 hz turbo on a keyboard then the same argument that keeps the non-turbo psx board going should keep the non-turbo pc board going.

if we wanna be logically consistent.

btw i'm not trying to force people to mash, i think there should be a turbo category. it's just wrong for them to be combined and i can't understand why so few people are able to see that it's not fair.

Englandzergu122 years ago

it seems like literally nobody believes that turbo and non turbo are equivalent. the 'turbo yes/no' column shows that they are not considered equivalent.

so why are they combined?

to me it's like allowing freefps in the 30 fps cate3gory, just makes it into a joke.,

Englandzergu122 years ago


Another thing is you didn't really dismantle the "mashing is bad for your wrists therefore turbo" argument, no one is gonna try to match turbo manually.

yeah, this is the issue. why would i try to beat a turbo WR without turbo? there's no way i would bother trying.

so as soon as the WR is turbo the category is dead to me.

if that's what everyone wants, ok.

Englandzergu122 years ago

it seems no matter how many times i say "there is no turbo" nobody hears it

it's not that i wanna mash it's that there is no turbo so it's like i'm being forced to compete with robot mashing

which is obviously unfair

everyone voted for it falsely believing that turbo was somehow built into the game.

Englandzergu122 years ago

i have tried hacking in turbo with random programs from the interenet but it was terrible - extremely unreliable.

if it's not possible for everyone to use a good turbo then it's not a competitive category in my opinion. whoever has the best turbo has an advantage.

i just don't wanna run in the turbo category without turbo, not really understanding why it's controversial.

Englandzergu122 years ago

if its so easy to get perfect 15 hz turbo on a keyboard then fine, tell me how

Englandzergu122 years ago

Joy2Key and Steam turbo require you to play on a controller.

i play on keyboard. this is PC category.

Englandzergu122 years ago

This is about turbo being allowed on all PC categories.

From what i understand the arguments are about mashing is bad for your wrists therefore turbo, as well as that adding turbo makes it more accessible.

I want to dismantle both of those arguments.

If you have to mash as fast as a robot to be competitive then 1) people are not going to run it at all without turbo and 2) they are gonna fuck their wrists if they try.

the 'make it more accessible' argument is the lie that made people vote for it. there IS NO TURBO option unless you have special equipment like a controller or some macro keyboard. so you have by definition made it less accessible. you now need to 1) like turbo and 2) have access to turbo to be able to run. so most of the community is no longer interested in running.

the other argument is that we don't want dead categories - for some reason - so instead of creating the unpopular category; the popular one has been deleted.

The worst part is that people who don't even run PC are the ones who voted for this change.

Please reconsider deleting the human category.


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2 years ago
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