United Stateswolfdnc1 year ago

@SourShock_ I just tested this myself and it is just seek speedup x10 that saves you around 4-5 minutes total in contrast to defaults x2 read speedup dont apply for this game it seems just MGS it makes this game crash.

United Stateswolfdnc1 year ago

Here would this fix the issue? Parasite Eve II - Speedrun new console/ emu added where it specifies x2 read and x10 seek speedups , those runs could go there and all carries on and that can get grinded if wanted . yes ? no ? questions?

United Stateswolfdnc1 year ago

Also @Amai_Fox is just a verifier because he wanted to help and was made mod for a day so that he could edit the "rules" section, sigma88 and supergamer are not around as of now and themixedherb is Parasite Eve's series whole supermod, yes this game does need more verifiers/mods I agree with that , but at the end if you are a runner just state a VOTE #1 or #2 and whatever wins should be set up , and the "simplistic lenient rules, that would be easy to setup on DuckStation" is literally DEFAULT dont move anything what is more simple than that? Sertyan started doing it trying to be sneaky , broke WR with it and then Sena got upset they beat his time and "ohh well I'll do it too" because I want my name on #1 situation, even if Setyan had his name #1 for 5months, 7 months ,a year by a mistake of not catching that up it should not make others just do the same if he would of kept running the game at defaults and setyan run would of just gotten deleted it would still bump your runs higher, also pretty messed up to be ohh your time is shiet Amai so why should we listen to you? the dude was just trying to help with the boards, also who is "clamoring" for modding position we need more mods ?

p.s. Interesting fact I have 213hours in the game live streamed, amai_fox has 340h, sena 239h, ifandwhile 86.3h, toxic_tt 129h, and sirtretro 496h and those are the biggest numbers which puts in contrast who is keeping the game "alive" and is or were putting out content for it (and that is without counting youtube vids) so if anything Retro and Amai are the ones that streamed it the longest and has been keeping the game out of its "IV pack" more than anyone else including myself because routing offline (which I have personally do so as well) does not keep the game alive or it give it exposure on the internet putting out content does, and this is not me saying yo this peoples votes count more but it is in response to Gren trying to put down amai for having a bad time on a speedrun so his vote or opinion counts less as the others he noted, this type of mindset is not right.

VOTE GUYS so we can get out of this and just move on to more runs, have fun !

United Stateswolfdnc1 year ago

@SirRetro91 7 months ago because of the respect I did hold for him, I knew that he ran the game for a while and he is a really good player, so verification went as ok let me check if he started splits correctly , let me see some of the fights , let me see if he split the last boss split correctly, and I was like "damn runs are getting fast this dude grinds a lot ! much respect" it was because of trust which it seems cannot be done anymore and a whole 1h+ run has to be seen from beginning to end.

Regarding guides only difference between my guide from 6 years ago and Sena's run 10days ago is one use of Flare (safer) instead of 2 necrosis which saves what 2 seconds? , and the gray stinger kill at entrance for the spartan ammo for puppet stinger boss fight later on , we used to use hydras that's about it every other boss fight, line, ammo route is exactly the same as on that old guide.

United Stateswolfdnc1 year ago

Ok here we goooo I can't believe I gotta say this again like I had for RE3 Modding but NOONE here mods or verifiers here are getting compensation of any form for modding this game or any other game like how dare I not check every forum for every game I mod like everyday huh? How dare I have a life and a family and work and such a terrible mod xD. Amai informed me about this months ago we discussed it and it was an easy answer from me "just don't cheat" isn't it common sense not to accelerate your game to give yourself an advantage towards other people? The whole "Oh I cheated because he took my word record by cheating" is immensely silly , this whole issue started because a world record got taken on a 25 year old game that has literally 2-3 active runners , it is a GAME people it supposed to be for fun I don't think noone here is getting money for been #1 on this speedrun site, I do agree that this rules had to be put under "show rules" way before it got to this but yea, also if there is a discrepancy in times and you see someone cheating that run should of automatically been rejected it is something that we should of done and we didn't because the only person doing current verifications and taking time out of his life to do so is @Amai_Fox I did verify some runs here and there of people I trusted and was just glad that times were getting faster and looked like people were having fun , but it seems it wasn't the case. I agree duckstation is a shitshow they stopped updating it then they started updating it again times started changing and all that BUT the whole reason why I brought duckstation in to Parasite eve 2 was because it was the new thing at that time , games looked better, and felt better which it could incentivize new people to come in? That was the whole thought behind it and hey it worked we got more runs on duckstation than we did on epsxe, secondly if you want those fast times JUST RUN EPSXE and get those sub 1h15ms again, that board is there it never left.

NOW solving the issue at hand:

  1. We start accepting all runs with that acceleration x10 so runs are faster and feel faster so that all runs that have been put on hold (not rejected yet) that had that setting on get re verified and we go on from there.

  2. All settings should be set and preset to default (like it always should have been COMMON SENSE) previous runs that had that x10 acceleration setting on will be rejected.

This speedrun community is literally composed of 12 runners (in which only 3 are active) so it shouldn't take long to come to a decision and again this is a GAME and it is for fun don't go crazy over who has the "glory" of WR does it really matter ?!

p.s. I personally checked time discrepancies at the start and by itself the only people that seem to be using this whole speedup is SENA and SETYAN, screen dims in around 13 seconds for EVERYONE even on new duckstation or old duckstation but Sena starts at 11seconds and Setyan starts at 12 seconds, Sena hits a insane 34 seconds and Setyan hits a 36 seconds (-2 from picture because his menu sucks when switching standard and run on settings) while EVERYONE else has common sense and seems to be using default settings up to 2 years ago on duckstation you could hit a consistent 43 seconds and after duckstation updates it seems people started hitting high 40 seconds (up to 1 year ago) this was time at the start because there is literally no RNG nothing to do but run and open 2 doors which speed ups will make it standout as it makes you load faster than everyone else, even the 2 brand new runners Pambe (3 months ago) and Sourshock (6days ago) are hitting low 41s on current duckstation version which are times consistent with times been hit 1 year ago, so THIS WHOLE ISSUE is literally between Sena and Setyan, 2 people only using speed ups to get ahead of the board for the "glory" of WR while everyone else is using standard preset values on settings. I even checked TODAY and with todays patch I hit a 40.70seconds which is the same times everyone has been hitting for a whole year through all the patches. My vote is towards #2 which 90% of runners are currently doing and default settings.

United Stateswolfdnc2 years ago

He did save but save was not used, so it is still a single segment run, if the save was used then yeh it would of been segmented, if anything he just wasted time towards his run. It seems fine to me.

IfAndWhile e Sena curtiu isso
tópico: Vector
United Stateswolfdnc2 years ago

Please have email authentification on .

StrangeSeat curtiram isso
tópico: Vector
United Stateswolfdnc2 years ago

Hi, (Super Mod) here I requested and created this page as I liked Vector a lot for speedruns, and been an active runner for other games, but it seems that all of the other verifiers / mods are not active, this is why most of the runs have been taking a while to be verified and tehre are 30+ at a time to be verified at times, soooo if anyone that is knowledgeable in the game and has a few runs for this game want to help with the verification process let me know.

p.s. I don't actively check forums here better way to reach me is through my Twitter @wolfdnc or Discord WOLFDNC#6526 . Cheers.

StrangeSeat curtiram isso
tópico: Dino Crisis 2
United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

Because it is always been the norm, and yes 2021 someone can probably do an amazing splitting job that even with a timer on screen might pass or add the timer after the run , but it is a rule that takes 2 seconds to set up, and not even splits are actually needed but just a timer, I personally have ran games and this game on a super potato PC with a FloppyDisc Drive on it !!! and using livesplits or wsplits timer + a capture card makes no difference, the game will run fine and console times wont affect your recording hence the use of a capture card that puts the running game stress on the console and not the pc, I mean 2021 who has that old of a pc to not run capture card + timer but that can do an amazing splicing job/editing work? , again I think it is a tiny extra step for a speedrun, it shouldn't be that much of a big deal unless someone trying to hold their phone and record their tv screen playing the game. And most if not all runners for the game are streamers that run the game live, why not want to add a timer then if it is been streamed live?

United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

Hmm if ya guys want me to I could make add it up, how many runner are there on it? I can use my vampire powers and put it on the board xD

tópico: Resident Evil
United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

Good call on this !

United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

@WanderAgro Emulator section is ONLY for Duckstation - you can add any other emu run into the Emulator (Legacy) section I dont think there is a checkbox for emulator on mobile though and i dont think it will be a balanced competitive time to the other runs there, but if you are doing it for fun and just to submit a time, go for it, have fun !

tópico: Dino Crisis 2
United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

@Nazzareno Like I said idk why it was even open on the first place, when it is soo unstable and the setup is a mess as it is now. But yeh we were kinda just given the board with a bunch of things already happening unfortunately, we can just work with what we have and see what can be done about the boards, and I feel ya that's why I'm not touching it either just waiting for the gemini patch.

tópico: Dino Crisis 2
United Stateswolfdnc3 years ago

@Mogul @case015 Aighty ! Sooo i was just told about this forum post, thing with dxwnd is that there is a lot of things that it can be used for not only window resizing , I use it myself for other games just to play them , there is way too many things that it can be used for and would go under the radar, and for ease of validating a run for x y z reasons, it is always have been not allowed in games, PC version for this game is realllyyy bad !!! In my opinion it should not have been on the board open for runs submissions until it has been properly patched and it would run even for every runner, BUT as I was given mod for this game there was already lots of runs posted and is one of the most active sections, soooo we can all follow this rules until Gemini makes the big patch, or we can just lock the runs been submitted for the PC section so everyone can have an even plane of field without needing to use external program to just make it run, because I get it can be annoying to deal with controller mapping, window sizing when having no more than one monitor, etc etc So as a community for this game, we can decided what to do, me personally and many other emulator runners are literally just waiting until that big patch drops and then DIno2 PC will be insanee !!! And lots of runners would come back due to it.

tópico: Dino Crisis 2
United Stateswolfdnc4 years ago

Hmmm aighty !! Soooo I read some posts here and there, and I don't really like to involve myself with forums because it is a lot of work and drama most of the times, but as I love this game and have run it a lot back in the days, I think I should put my piece of mind here, everything seems to be easily fixable by adding a "variable" under edit game and add Emulator as its own thing, I think most runners here would agree, and that is what you guys pretty much asking right? Regarding times I own a PSP 3000 and I ran this game on it back then but idk where my run went and I remember the game been super slow , but emulators times even if it is close to it should not be on the same board as PSP or PSTV Vita or whatever, I mean the people just want to run the game and have fun and compete with each other to be honest, and trying to compete against a psp or vita or pstv that it is a pain in the arse to stream and capture seems kinda weird to me, at the end of everything Gemini Patch for Dino crisis 2 PC should come out soon and that is where most people will be going but until then you got my vote to just split Emulator to its own thing, NOWWW regarding which emulator, emulators are SUPER sketch EPSXE the most of them all, it will run games faster with a specific version (1.8) with a specific video plug in and video settings on it, which is why we split it on parasite eve 2 and thinking on doing it on countdown vampires, people can compete on that as it is a pain to just show what settings people are running on , what we did now is running emu on DUCKSTATION which has times super close to console itself, and changing your resolution to 1080p or 4k or whatever it won't affect your times, so anyone can compete on it on a same ground, psjin might load the game faster and no sketch settings to boost your time? then again this is all community testing. @666Deadhunter if ya need an extra hand , dude add me as mod and I'll add the variable if you want me to it is not a huge deal, I don't know how active Dodi is but there it is. End of my 1000 word essay =) .

MASH, xtra2Ez e 4 outros curtiu isso
United Stateswolfdnc4 years ago

All of this is under EMULATOR :Legacy" now, a new emulator just surfaced called DuckStation , we tested it, and that will be the IT to run for emulators as doesn't matter what setting you use or resolution it makes everyone even and competitive, no more specific emulator or plug in or settings to gain or lose time, just set up your bios of ducky station and go, up the resolution if needed for pretty graphics , it will not affect your loading times, the future is now !!!! Also all other emulator runs will still be there just under Legacy.

allancg curtiram isso
United Stateswolfdnc4 years ago

Personally I don't like it, looks pretty mehh for a speedrun like a challenge run in par with "beating the game pressing only aim, beating the game not running, beating the game danger only" etc etc not on a speedrun level to be beaten fast, that is my vote tho, I will ask the other mods.

Fairy_L curtiram isso
United Stateswolfdnc4 years ago

Are ya guys adding the nightmare mode to this board too ?

United Stateswolfdnc4 years ago

Turbo controllers or macros set ups on keyboard with keyboard preset to speedup movement or menuing ,etc, and the last one is any type of cuts in gameplay from different videos or playthroughs, pretty self explanatory rules usually used in all speedruns in any game, same as muting music in gameplay or playing music in the background that usually make verifying games harder.

Mr.Croft curtiram isso
Sobre wolfdnc
10 years ago
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