The timer at the end of level 6 of Special Edition appears to have some behavior differences between the floppy and WHDLoad versions. Appending "NOCACHES" and "NOMMUS" to the tooltypes for the game icon appears to have it match the behavior of the floppy version more. This should really only be done for runners on actual Amigas that have processors with MMU's (so anything that isn't a EC version of a processor, ie. the 68EC020 like in the 1200)
In addition to the DOS version, the game was released for the Commodore Amiga. Are runs allowed for this system? I have a Amiga 1200 and 500 that I was planning on looking into the game with.
In addition, what is the ruling on using WHDLoad or GoTek floppy emulation to load and play the game? Floppy drives are getting hard to come by, especially new, for the system, short of modifying IBM drives to work with the system. I did note RetroArch is a platform/category mentioned hence asking.
IDK why these were placed in the cheats menu as they don't affect the gameplay in any capacity, but are these allowed to be enabled? The former just puts smart-aleck comments at the start of each level and changes menu sounds while the latter just puts a hat on a HUNT member.
I know it might be silly to ask these but I just want to make sure, just to be safe.
For clarification, for runs, must all of the Gameplay options in the options menu be disabled?
*)Original Self-Damage *)Original MP40 Drop Rate *)Original Monk HP
What would I need to set the console as for runs on this version of the game? I know it's based on the Amiga AGA version's code.
I am currently doing speed-vestigations and routing through the Macintosh version of the game. When I do complete a run and go to submit, will I need to submit as PC or will Mac be added as a platform?
This was discussed during my stream yesterday. Considering the RNG elements of the introductory Father Fouras cutscene, Albert suggested that we start the timer at the sounding of the gong. I'm personally OK with that as the shows actually start their own chronometers at that. Want to get everyone else's opinion on that. There may be the possibility that we could setup a autosplitter in regards, but someone with x86 disassembly knowledge would need to dig into that.
i am considering doing runs on the Classic MacOS version using my iMac G3 (just for the hell of it). two questions....
would a run performed on Macintosh be considered?
i am having to capture composite output using a camcorder to record the monitor (i unfortunately have a model that does not have VGA output. i do have a Powerbook G3 that does have VGA output, but i have a major ghosting problem with it's keyboard and i have to use a ball mouse). would that quality be considered as well? i can provide pictures of how it would look if needed.
I am currently working on doing an any% category where instead of just failing the treasure room, you have to win the boyars.
I noticed in the 100% category that all of the cutscenes were watched.
--> my current PB for that category:
So this discord was originally just on my signature on the Pfhorums, but I felt I should probably post it here for new runners.
This is where most of the discussions on Pathways into Darkness, the Marathon Trilogy (and it's fan scenarios) and other retail Marathon Engine games (Damage Incorporated, Prime Target, ZPC, WHEELS) take place as of recent.