This is not minimum. Why is it verified?
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
Now I just want to see a level 8 0 checkpoint run... That would be insane. The clip and the insane second checkpoint skip.
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
I think this would be a fun category, but we do need to specify weather intended skip (eg. level 2 & 9) are included. I, personally think those shouldn't be allowed in a no-skip category, but who knows?
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
Why is there no Checkpointless% or at least a minimumcheckpoints%
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
I've been speedrunning appel since it came out, and I've never seen anything like this either.
Luis_sm e Sir_Farcelot curtiu isso
tópico: Appel (Scratch)
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Sobre speeeedy
Old acc: speeeeeedy
I had to move due to complicated reasons
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