tópico: Phasmophobia

0.9 Version leader boards are active you can do speedruns and submit them... but if you want you can submit your speedruns/speedrun you can submit it on SPEEDRUN.COM


tópico: Phasmophobia

Guessing is allowed when you are not recording...but if you ARE recording someone can/will report you...maybe you'll have a chance for a person/someone to not report you...but if you are a known and have atleast 100-70 viewers on you live ill recommend you to play it right...but only if you are playing with your friend you can guess but not when your recording...NEVER GUESS!!!! JUST PLAY THE CORRECT WAY!!!!..................................NEVER GUESS WHEN YOUR LIVE IT MAY/CAN RESULT TO A REPORT/BAN......

Azazel84 curtiram isso
tópico: Phasmophobia

It's Rule 5 in the overall game rules: "For all runs (except for extension runs): The person recording is required to select the correct ghost type in the journal. All evidences is required to be seen on the recording(s). You are not allowed to load inside a map and guess what ghost you are dealing with then leave straight away. For the main board, guessing the ghost based on it's ability is not allowed."

Not allowed to just go in, guess, and leave. You have to see all 3 evidences and select the correct ghost.

Never guess...Just play it right...

Sobre speedrunnersuchapro
1 year ago
1 year ago