United Statespopdude7315 days ago

Update: All it took was me being told my frames were low and then all of the sudden it started working properly, so I have no clue what's goin' on, lmao

United Statespopdude7315 days ago

Would a low FPS also cause the game to have a hard time loading things in? I've also been having problems with that suddenly, and so If it's tied to both I'll just chalk it up to Frontiers being weird, but if it's not, then I have to assume it's my computer runnin' like shit

United Statespopdude7316 days ago


Been speedrunning Sonic Frontiers first two islands for some fun in my free time, but after a little break, I found I was completely unable to do Kronos Island skip at this point. Youtube video attached to visually see what's going on, but it seems like hitting the sweetspot is harder than normal, and even then, when I do finally hit it, I clip through the platform. At first, I thought a mod was to blame, but this is multiple clean installs after, and it's still doing this. Is my computer just starting to fail, and so it's not processing this right? Or am I somehow messing up the easiest trick in the run?

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