par_h3lion6 years ago

this is the "backtracking" version of pulley skip ... it actually skips the pulley completely \o/


[ detailed explanation bellow ]

Eighteenth curtiram isso
par_h3lion6 years ago

This is the "NO death / NO respawn" version of the Pulley skip (see part 1 of the video).

It can save up to 5sec against the checkpoint respawn on PC (see part 2 of the video). AND up to 10sec for Consoles (this comparison is not included in the video)

Avasam e Fr0gb0y curtiu isso
par_h3lion6 years ago

In order to understand how much time the new table skip saves, using the sausage glitch-climb, we have to compare it with a normal table run from the first time you enter the table room, until after the hanging tray ... also, for a correct comparison, we have to consider 2 extreme tilts of the Maw (the world cycles) for each strat, since it can affect how the hanging tray swings ... so we have 4 situations to compare, and here's that comparison:

Situation nr.1 - \ - World tilted LEFT

  • normal table run 41.0
  • table skip (insta-climbs) 29.3

Situation nr.2 - / - World tilted RIGHT

  • normal table run 39.7
  • table skip (insta-climbs) 31.0

(the segment I timed starts under the window where you enter the room, and ends at the far right wall after the tray, just for comparison purposes)

so, the skip saves somewhere between 8 and 11 seconds (roughly) interesting fact, regardless of what strat you go for, you can lose up to 2 sec depending on the world tilt ... which is something worth knowing

tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago


2sec When you climb the ladder and you see the shield rotating very slow, and doesn't catch up to you... That means you pushed the lever too late (stopped the shiled for longer than 2 sec), and you can only do a 2 cycle clock at this point. Try to adjust the timing for the vertical jump, so you push the lever right a bit sooner (that way the pause takes exactly 2 sec).

<2sec When you did everything right, and you land on the other side but the shield doesn't save you... It probably means you pushed the lever too early (stopped the shield for less than 2 seconds), so you get a low shield that can't save you. Try to adjust the timing for the vertical jump, do it a tiny bit later after the lever pull (to get the exact 2 seconds stop).

2 cycles When you do all the skip requirements but you decide NOT to go for the 1 cycle, don't worry! you can still do the 2 cycles with a low shield. Go on for a 2 cycles clock, and climb down into a dangle off the ledge before the shockwave hits (that way the low shield can save you).

??? When you do everything right (you get a good shield, a good jump to the ladder and everything) but the skip still doesn't work... It could be that the last big jump wasn't timed right ... or the landing spot wasn't correct ... or the lever timing is a tiny bit off. Play around with these variables and find what works for you. Clock skip doesn't work 100%, but it can be very consistent if you stick to a strat.


that's all ... for now :)

Waltoo_Poyndeaux curtiram isso
tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

D E T A I L E D - E X P L A N A T I O N

Block blast

  • push the block out on the bridge passed its middle point
  • let go of any input before the shockwave hits
  • from that neutral position, push right exactly when the shockwave hits (this way, you start to run on the bridge as soon as possible)

IMPORTANT if you can't push out the block too far passed its midpoint (or if you run out on the bridge too late after the blast) you risk being behind a certain line when the next shockwave hits (the second wave after the block blast). if that's the case, then you get "the 9", and you'll have to waste 6 seconds (1 shockwave) waiting at the clock lever. what's "the 9"? so, usually when you arrive at the clock, you shuold see the shield at the top going away from you but if you see the shiled coming from bellow towards you, that means the mechanism is offset by half a cycle, and since you want the shiled stopped at the 3 o'clock position, that means the offset version is "the 9"

Bridge lever

  • hold grab as you approach the bridge lever, and you'll immediately switch it right
  • push the lever back left exactly when the shockwave hits
  • (immediately after that) do a full jump towards the right

IMPORTANT in order to reach the next lever as fast as possible, you need to run out of the last cover at the exact moment when the shockwave hits. the bridge lever movement (explained above) will help you get a perfect timing every time (no random pauses or controller rumbles needed)

[what's the idea behind clock skip?] For the skip to work, you need the shield at the 4 o'clock position (relative to the center of the mechanism) as the shockwave hits, so that the top of the shield can still save you when landing on the other side. But the shield is offset by 2sec, by default. That means you have to stop the mechanism for exactly 2sec before reactivating it (doesn't matter when you do it, just has to be 2sec). There are 2 ways you can do this: you can either count 2sec and release the lever that way, or you can do a specific action that always takes 2sec (which solves any counting/timing problem, and is much more reliable).

Clock lever (movement)

  • before reaching the lever, you have to do 4 full jumps behind the shadow/rock, so you reach the lever asap
  • pull the lever left as soon as you can (note that you can grab the lever earlier than you'd think <air grab>, but no need to risk it)
  • do a full neutral (vertical) jump after the lever pull animation is over (this step needs practice to get used to the timing)
  • as you're about to land from the vertical jump, hold right + grab (so you push the lever right as soon as you land)

Ladder jump

  • (immediately after the lever) go right and time your jump to the ladder exactly as the shockwave hits (you might need to stop for a bit, depending how fast you let go of the lever ... so this jump needs practice to time it right)
  • make sure you catch the ladder as high as possible (by jumping exactly from the ledge) and hold up as soon as you touch the ladder


[how does the shield save you?] The landing from the big drop has to occur exactly when the shockwave hits.If you stick to a specific strat, you only have to adjust the timing of the last jump, to get the perfect landing.

Ladder climb (visual cues)

  • as you climb up, take note of your position on the ladder when the shockwave hits (a good visual cue is the boy's head, as you climb passed the 3rd ring from the top when the hit occurs)


  • climb up at the top and keep going right (no jumps, just hold right)
  • walk off the ledge, to get the stumble on the lower part (keep holding right)
  • time your jump from the perfect spot according to the standard position (see situations bellow)
  • make sure you actually do a full jump (don't let go of jump button, so it always takes the same amount of time to reach the ground)
  • try to land exactly where the top of the shild is going (next to the ground where you have to land)

Situations: (considering the 3rd ladder ring as your visual cue)

  • as you climb up the ladder, if you see the head perfectly covered by the ring as the shockwave hits, this is the standard position
  • if you see the head completely above the ring as the shockwave hits, then you need to jump a bit later than the standard position
  • if you see the head slightly bellow the ring as the shockwave hits, then you need to jump a bit earlier than the standard position (note - there's not a lot of room for adjustments, especially if you have to jump earlier, because you can barely clear the ledge - so, be warned)
Waltoo_Poyndeaux curtiram isso
tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

CLOCK SKIP (1 cycle) TUTORIAL ( movement & visual cues only )

S I M P L E - S T E P S


  • pull lever left (wait for the lever to go all the way left)
  • do a full neutral jump (vertical)
  • immediately push the lever right (as you land from the jump)


  • jump to the ladder exactly when the shockwave hits (make sure you jump from the ledge, to catch the ladder as high as possible)


  • climb out at the top and keep going right (hold right, no jumps)
  • walk off the top part and let the stumble play out (hold right)
  • do a full jump over the ledge from a very specific point (see detailed description bellow)
  • make sure you land in the area where the top of the shield is

here's an example of the "movement only" strat:

Waltoo_Poyndeaux curtiram isso
tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

as I was working on this 1 cycle gravity, I had a bit of a revelation about how it works (I mean, getting the good box boost) ... and I think it has something to do with what Zet and Raining were saying back in the day ... they each had a theory on different parts of the box boost, so both theories can work together

Zet had a strat which involved moving the stick slightly up when doing the box boost, not just going from left to right in one instant motion ... this gave me an idea, I incorporated this sort of sequence into my keyboard strat : as I'm running left on the box, I release the left button before pressing jump, then the right button is the last one to be pressed ... so on keyboard it's a sort of simulation of Zet's motion ... release left, press jump (and hold), then press right (and hold) ... hope you know what I mean ... so this is what I do at gravbox, trying to mimic that motion in a perfect succession (the interval between those inputs as equal as poss, so since it's a sequence of inputs, so I started calling it a "sequential" box boost)

but anyway, now Raining: he always made sure to emphasize the moment WHEN you do the RMJ ... not gonna go through his explanation, just know that the actual moment/timing of the RMJ as you run over that corner of the box is important ... and I think it's because the game wants to save limboy from falling over any ledge if you stop just a bit after that ledge, so the game kinda readjusts your position back safely onto the ledge ... (that's just a speculation) but I think this is where that pause after releasing left input comes into play ... at least this is my latest theory, and it works with much greater success than other techniques I've tried

I asked Lightdrew to test this theory on controller, timing the jump in the middle of the transition of the stick from left to right, without going instantly from left to right (leaving a bit of room for that pause before jumping) and he said it's looking promising ... it takes a bit of time to readjust your muscle memory for this new movement, but we're early in the experiments, so let's see how it works out later on

About the tree skip box boost, I tried it with this new technique, but for some reason I didn't get good results ... not on the left side drag (the normal first approach) ... but it works surprisingly well if you drag the box from the right ... as you can see in this video :

v_input_output curtiram isso
tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

here's a 16min training session ... getting 10 successful skips ... from 28 box boost commitments that cannot be saved with a 2 cycle backup ... in 49 attempts (actual chapter loadings) :

tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

As you all know :P ... it's possible to save a few seconds during the Zombie Line, if you offset the position of the freaks in relation to the end point AND the number of cycles you have to do ...

The first strat that took advantage of this Offset was the late initial drop ... the idea was to jump as far as possible at the start of this section, to push the zombie line forward and to have the last cycle shortened considerably (walking for only 2 beats instead of 8, at the last cycle - which saves 1-2sec compared to the early initial drop) ... here's the video for this old strat :

But now, here's the latest / fastest Offset strat possible ... it involves a death warp at the first respawn point during the zombie line, which resets the line to a fixed possition ... and this new offset is perfectly aligned to avoid any pause at the end of the line ... here's the video :

Sayuri curtiram isso
tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

FYI, just getting the box boost is not enough to get the 1 cycle (obviously :P ) ... but it's really important you tighten up the entire movement ... especially in such a small section (between switch and saw) ... so here are a few things to consider when attempting this skip:

  • the first jump is a tiny jump (tap the jump button), and it's exactly from the ledge, as late as possible (unlike the normal strat)
  • you have to stop in midair, so you fall next to the switch on the left side
  • "hit" the switch as early as possible (at the top-left of the panel), so you spend less time in the air
  • when you land on the ceiling, turn to the box instantly, already holding the grab button
  • grabbing and dragging the box is difficult ... this is a crucial point in the strat, needs practice so you can manage most outcomes (for ex, if the box flips, or if the boy lets go of the box, you have to react fast without losing time)
  • do not drag the box too far right (this part is when you're the slowest, so the less time you spend dragging the box = the better)
  • it's important to know that if you fail the box boost, you can still do a 2 cycle strat (when practicing the skip, don't give up immediately, try to go for the 2 cycles as a backup)
  • if you get the right ledge grab, it's important not to insta jump out of that climb (because you have to do a very precise jump just before the automatic gravity switch)
  • after the climb up, there's very little time to waste ... so, simply run right and try to time 1 jump just before the automatic gravity switch, so you stall in midair as the the gravity switches down, so you clear the saw using the momentum foward, flying over it) ... (in the video you can see I messed up the timing for the last jump, and I touched the ceiling again, without stalling in midair ... good thing I got a belly landing on the ledge, so I was already far enough to clear the saw reagardless)


tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

Part 1: the 1 cycle gravity swtich strat (using a RMJ box boost) Part 2: the comparison between 1 and 2 cycles strats Part 3: the risk of getting a dangle grab -,-

it's worth going for the skip, because there's just enough time to go for 2 cycles if you don't get the huge box boost to the right ...

itsme_baruch curtiram isso
tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

with this new setup for the stumble glitch, it's possible to get another shockwave skip (as you can see in the last 10min of this video)

tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

Magnet switch and Block clip in the same cycle This might be a TAS level (frame perfect) skip idea :) I tried it a lot and it's ALMOST possible.

Here's the idea:

  • First, get a very good butt-boost right, from the low pat of the slope, so you fly by the gravity swtich very fast and horizontal;
  • Trigger the gravity swtich very late, so you fall as farther to the right as possible;
  • On the ceiling, keep going right as fast as possible, and time the last jump in such a way that the gravity switch catches you mid-air (which means a shorter fall down, and that should give you a softer landing bellow);
  • Trigger the magnet on your way down, as you fall next to it on the right side, and get the softer landing (this is when you trigger the gun, so the movement has to be tight from this point forward);
  • Keep going right and get the block climb UP before the gun starts firing (this is the most difficult part of the whole skip);
  • Climb DOWN immediately, just as the gun stops, to get the block clip as the gravity switches.

if this skip works, it saves 10 seconds :) which, by Limbo standards, is HUGE :D

tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

Normal end: I developed this new strat for the last gravity cycle before the glass break based ONLY on movement and visual cues (NO counting or sound cues needed). The idea is to have a very consistent way to get the shortest fall up as possible, and the fast glass break without slowdowns. All inputs are explained, and of course, the full comparison is at the end of the video:

Death warp: It is possible to do a death warp in the last chapter, before the last gravity cycle. Depending on the platfrom you run the game on, it is possible to respawn instantly after dying, and get a slightly faster end. The full comparison is at the end of the video:

tópico: Limbo
par_h3lion6 years ago

This video shows how you can always save a violent 1 cycle seesaw glitch - (see keyboard inputs and explanations during the slowmotion part)

tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

here's the full comparison between strats :

  • Normal Strat (51.18)
  • 1 cycle button (29.09)
  • Normal strat using 1 superboost (50.32)
  • Normal strat using 2 superboosts (49.72).

Waltoo_Poyndeaux curtiram isso
tópico: Inside
par_h3lion6 years ago

(afaik) there are NO differences in game mechanics / physics between platforms ... some minor differences are found in controller and keyboard inputs, but they're somewhat balanced, since there's pros and cons to both of them ... also, the loading time is obviously dependent on the system you run the game on, but this is relevant only when respawning after a death (and since only a handful of death warps are actually beneficial in runs, this shouldn't be a problem)

GameguySD curtiram isso
par_h3lion6 years ago

This video shows how ro pull the cart (in "Lair") using only 2 cycles. The second part of the video shows a side by side comparison of 4 different situations:

  • the 2 cycles;
  • the 2 cycles (with a short wait);
  • the 3 cycles (when failing the 2 cycles strat);
  • the classic 3 cycles.

Note : You have to get a good world (maw) tilt for the skip to work instantly ... unfortunately, in most cases, it's faster to go for a 3 cycles pull.

Fun note : When you respawn in the TV room, and get a clean run towards the cart, you will always be able to do the 2 cycles cart pull.

Eighteenth e Avasam curtiu isso
par_h3lion6 years ago

When you first enter the kitchen (after the hunger sequences and the rat :P ) you have to go by one of the chefs in the first room. The risky way is to start the chase and have the chef stuck (looking under a table) as you climb the cabinet on the far-right corner. BUT ... there is a way to do go through the kitchen just as fast, and without the risky chase. Here's how you do it:

  • as you approach the kitchen, you slide through the first hole, so you don't get noticed by the chef right way;
  • as you emerge on the other side, start jumping right away, and keep doing instant jumps on each landing (so the chef doesn't hear you run)

NOTE: it's important to have enough stamina, so be careful about stamina management just before the kitchen, avoid unnecessary jumps or long sprints up until this point.

Avasam e StreamingFire curtiu isso
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