I understand that it would be nice to be able to submit missions done from a full game run to the IL leaderboard. However, my main reason for not allowing this is simply because I can't verify what difficulty the run was performed on, which is why IL submissions start on difficulty selection.
Yeah the sequel is very broken and unpolished. I will speedrun it one day and get a leaderboard up, but will wait until they patch it up to a more playable state. Currently, I don't see any reason to play Nimbus INFINITY over Project Nimbus, aside from giving feedback I guess.
Yeah now I understand. This seems very useful to learn and do throughout the run, I will definitely keep this is mind when I return to this game. Thanks :)
It's pretty hard to see what's going on with the poor framerate, but from what I can tell you just launch missiles and use melee attacks? I do know that melee is something that I have underutilized in my runs and can be used more often.
Great to hear! Also, don't worry about splitting too early or late, I'll make sure to correct if the time is wrong :)
Very interesting stuff, I'm looking forward reading your notes when they're ready! This will definately be helpful for me in the future.
Sounds good! I actually didn't know there was an 180 button, I will try it out next time I play.
I don't see any problem with that. Though I'm curious why changing it affect things, and what is it that changes?
The Complete Edition is most recent updated version of the game. When starting the game you can choose to play the older Original Edition, which is a bit different but I don't see why you would want to do that. So just select to play Complete Edition.
No, as far as I know there isn't. Though I haven't looked into strats or routed the game, so I can't really say. If you've beaten the game casually, you basically know everything you need.
- My main issue is that the font size, buttons and such are too small, making it harder to see and navigate.
- The font itself looks bad and is too square, old one was better.
- I don't like that the main category names are only CAPS LOCK. Also when you look on your profile they don't have caps lock, so this is all inconsistent.
In conclusion, I prefered how it all was before. It looked better and was easier to navigate. Though the new features/stats are nice I guess.
I tried my method again to prepare for a run, and certain cutscenes didn't skip for me when they were able to yesterday. So I've decided to only allow you method for now, until the other way can be made guaranteed or so. Verified you run as well!
It works fine for me, though I haven't done a full run yet just the beginning of the game. Weird that it doesn't work for you though, it's just doing the same thing as with the intro but for the rest of the "GamerMusicOverrideMovies" lines. Here's how my FateEngine.ini looks like: https://imgur.com/RxDCH8N
Ideally I would prefer this way, but if it doesn't work for you I guess we could allow both ways. Don't want to stop you from enjoying the game.
I tested a bit and think that using "bForceNoMovies=TRUE" might not be as good of an option as simply making all cutscenes skippable. For example at 4:34 in you run the two peoples voices are not playing.
So I think the better choice is to change all "GamerMusicOverrideMovies" lines to "SkippableMovies", as that scene (and probably others) I mentioned will then have the correct voices playing. It should also be more stable, not requiring locking FPS to 60, though can't say for sure yet on that. What do you think about doing it this way instead?
Great idea, sound lots of fun to run so I added the subcategories "Cutscenes" and "No Cutscenes". I will fix the rules and verify your run when you submit it later today when I come back home. I will definitely try this new category out myself soon :)
New skip in Corporate War where you jump behind the glass door you normally need to wait for. You don't lose time attempting this skip and it isn't that hard to do. It seems to save ~11 seconds or so, but you don't have time to get full ammo so maybe it will impact that later in the route. Will likely be used in full-game runs.
I haven't unlocked all stages and rush modes, so you should probably try asking in the discord.