European Unionjenx2 months ago

I love this category. Always a joy to watch. Shame about that stutter near Yvel but at least the game didn't crash. Congrats!

European Unionjenx8 months ago

That was one clutch endgame man. Beautiful.

European Unionjenx2 years ago

Hey @Hotbunstimestwo, as far as I know no one's actively running LoL at the moment. That being said, if you want to give it a shot I'm here to cheer you on and provide whatever help I can should you want/need it. It's a very fun speedrun both routing and execution-wise, I enjoyed running it tons.

tópico: The Site
European Unionjenx4 years ago

@Oreo321 Gotcha, thanks. Will talk to them.

tópico: The Site
European Unionjenx4 years ago

Hey all. Not sure if this has to do with but an old run from a game I'm moderating seems to have gotten unverified somehow -- it's now in my Runs awaiting verification list and it disappeared from the game leaderboard:

I'm pretty sure I approved the run when it popped up a year ago. I would reapprove it but don't want to mess things up even more.

European Unionjenx4 years ago

Hey @Sirbrute, thanks for pinging me (at least I assume it was you :)), I don't get notified about new posts here. I don't have satisfactory answers for you as far as the glitches go, so I'm just bumping up this thread. Maybe consider pinging @kvkbones / @djeez via some other channel.

In any case, happy to see someone experimenting with any%!

European Unionjenx4 years ago

Hey @Tetsuya150, very happy to see a new potential speedrunner here! Sorry for taking so long to weigh in on this, I'll have to take a look at my notification settings on this site again.

I think a run on ferocious would warrant a new (sub)category. I'd be happy to open one for you if you're still interesting in submitting a run. And I wouldn't worry too much about getting it perfect the first time, any run will suffice. You can always improve it later.

European Unionjenx5 years ago

What the... O_O (Also what helm is that? Ok, prolly not the most important question here but...)

So I've read the video description now. The music tone played potentially being important? That would be pretty cool. With the game already broken like this and memory corruption all over the place might as well be the case. I'm kinda amazed that the game didn't crash.

Are you able to reproduce this consistently? Can you return back to a normal-ish state afterwards?

This really looks like it opens a ton of possibilities. Awesome find.

European Unionjenx5 years ago

That's my personal favorite so far, especially how the wall textures inside the small room don't load. xD In the video description you write that it allows you to get through the broken bridge area in Yvel Woods too -- that's where the unused exit/entrance to the Dungeons is located IIRC. Could you theoretically go Yvel Woods -> Dungeons directly? Would be a big timesaver to avoid Catwalk entirely.

PLANET curtiram isso
European Unionjenx5 years ago

@djeez Yeah, I'm kinda short on time at the moment. :( I was playing around with it a bit but it would require more focused effort over a longer period of time and I haven't found an opportunity yet. So for now I'm mostly just observing. And hyped for the first any% submission, whoever gives it a go.

Btw, regarding your earlier post: I get why you stopped submitting your runs but I would really like it if you could reconsider considering that the situation is quite different now. At the moment there's at least two people verifying runs (one of whom is me, and I'm around most of the time or at least get notified if anything pops up) and the community hasn't been this active in a long while. So might be as good a time as any to update the leaderboard so that it actually reflects what the WR is at the moment. I mean it's your decision, of course, but it'd be cool.

European Unionjenx5 years ago

So apparently the site has been recently rolled back a couple of days (see ). (Excellent timing, too, just when the LoL page comes back to life after months of being dormant. xD)

Anyway, this means that newer forum posts after PLANET's last one above are gone, as are the changes I made to the leaderboard. The latter, at least, is easy to fix - I'll reorganize the categories again in a bit.

As for the awesome finds described in the original post, kvkbones's channel has some cool live examples: @kvkbones Any update? :)

djeez e misterprmiller curtiu isso
European Unionjenx5 years ago

@logiker Hey, welcome back! Not sure, kinda happy with the 43 minutes at the moment. I considered making a TAS or a bot though but kinda lacking the time to focus on it now. What about you, any plans for running the game? :)

logiker curtiram isso
European Unionjenx6 years ago

@mrprmiller Thank you! :) Looking forward to your run, too; I mean, Scotia needs to be vanquished as soon as possible.

European Unionjenx6 years ago

Hey all, I tweaked the page a bit, added some pictures and more importantly timing rules (you can find them on the leaderboard).

The game is really fun and reasonably challenging (not too much, just right) to speedrun; consider giving it a shot! :)

Existing speedruns for potential tips: (1h 12m) (0h 52m)

logiker curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
European Unionjenx6 years ago

Hey, I have a run pending for - it's been about two weeks now. The mod hasn't been online for 5 months and I couldn't reach them on Discord, which is the only listed contact method. I'd therefore like to request moderation for the game. The game page could use a bit of love, too (no rules, no picture, etc.), which I'd gladly do.

YUMmy_Bacon5 e 6oliath curtiu isso
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