ikuyo4 years ago

Would we need to delete save file? can't we just add the times right after each split? you should have enouigh time in any video to see said times and add them up, and that's easily verifiable for moderators.

I kinda like this plan tho

ikuyo4 years ago

For Layton Speedruns, 100% and All Puzzles are separate categories. 100% requires all Puzzles, all Hint Coins, and all collectibles (should the game have them). So yeah, it does!

Layton speedrun leaderboards operate in a "run first" mode so if anyone does a 100% run, I will add the category to the leaderboard.

LiterallyBard curtiram isso
ikuyo4 years ago

Exactly what it says on the tin. NTR is a way to wirelessly stream 3DS games from consoles to a computer.

Regu1 curtiram isso
tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

My two cents, if I may:

Peri is right in the sense that setting up skipflags is relevant enough that the game can vary. While it's true that playing the intro cutscene is not much for that, it would introduce a huge advantage in the way that the most optimal run would involve beating the entire game once then recording the run. This would allow runners to start runs with all skipflags already set, which would lead to massive time gains in pretty much any version that isn't Switch.

This is not, from my perspective, an NG+: nothing changes in actual gameplay terms bar being able to fast scroll thru dialogue. And because of that, a ruleset that separates both would be pointless, and a ruleset that allows both would be a logistical nightmare for both moderators running validation and for runners themselves (losing 40 minutes, assuming WR pace for best ending, to setup all skip flags). Furthermore, it would potentially split the leaderboards, which is not ideal for a game with a rather small runner base.

If the method for NG+ setup would be easier (let's say, just having beaten the game once, as Ace Attorney Trilogy does for its NG+ ruling) then I think we could have a solid case for NG+ ruling. However, since it becomes inconvenient for runners, I don't see the appeal justifying the logistical issues.

RepentMF curtiram isso
tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago


  • IL leaderboards are up! Pick from any of the 6 challenges, both single player and coop. Glory to all zealous challengers!
  • 100% has been renamed to All Possible Items.
RepentMF curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
ikuyo5 years ago

I recently reformatted the Cave Story+ IL leaderboards to allow for the many challenges (instead of just one) and adding their respective categories. However, by doing so, the leaderboads lost the current runs. I can see the runs in their "run-deleted" status at the audit log, but I can't access them to modify then and reassign it to the leaderboards. (I tried clicking the run link but both show up as N/A)

Is there any way I can recover those runs to relocate them?

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

@RepentMF: I like that idea, but I need to handle it carefully when it comes to PC vs Consoles, which usually have higher entry barriers for turbo.

@Devil_wolf120: that could work very well! I'd assume Steam or any similar platform can be allowed (that is, anything non Steam). Category?

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

o wow

that's sad.

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

Also, just in case, Japanese version is faster as it has much less text (similar to Steam language setting). Good run! hope to see more of you!

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

Huh! That's an interesting find. I'm eager to see upcoming Wiiware (and other platforms) runs tbh.

stoic_rose curtiram isso
tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

@Ninpalk: I'm considering to revote the name for 100%. My only concern is that I've routeds MAX% as a vastly different category, so discussion is to be had.

@Peri: I've been pondering the idea of allowing turbo outright or setup so turbo can be submitted somehow, as I believe the accesibility concerns due to mashing offset the "integrity" of no turbo. That's another major discussion of course, especially considering freeware Cave Story leaderboards don't allow turbo at all.

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

Hi! I guess it's about time to make some points about the last few developments in this LB.

AS of about 5 days ago, magmapeach has stepped down from moderation and handed the leaderboards to both thunderzap7 and me. We had felt the leaderboards deserved more care, and magma figured it was a good idea to leave way for a new wave of runners.

You've already noticed a lot of small and big changes. Namely, 100% and Spike% were added as categories, and the LBs received some aesthetic touchups. Platforms have also been added (as most platforms other than Switch are very much comparable and can be run) and we're working on ILs for every challenge.

That aside, we're looking at ways to improve the current situation further, and attract runners if we can. As such, I leave this thread open for suggestions, ideas and any feedback from what we do. We like Cave Story, and we hope to represent CS and CS+ the best we can.

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

To elaborate on this, leaderboards now ask you for the platform your run was executed on, and all versions other than switch should be submitted to Steam subcategories when applicable.

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

In that case, as the category was inspired by 100% in Super Mario RPG:

I'd like to propose naming it Most of the Stuff (100%)

tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

100% is a category first defined by myself, which aims at "completion" of the game by collecting the maximum amount of items, weapons and updates achievable in a single playthru of Cave Story. The run focuses on checking and activating all item locations. Current definition can be found here:

Category is compatible with all versions of the game, but it has been most ran on Switch, as it is the fastest release of the game for speedrunning purposes.

This is the most active full game category of Cave Story+ to this date, with two active runners which hold top positions in the Best Ending leaderboard thanks to these runs. It has also had presence in speedrun marathons, having been ran at CSM4 and RRLAT 2.8, and being scheduled for PUWP 2019. As such, I request a leaderboard for the category, moving all its runs to it.

curtiram isso
tópico: Cave Story+
ikuyo5 years ago

The upcoming clip from a co-op playthru exhibits that Misery's damage threshold before teleporting (that is, how much damage she takes before going intangible and moving to another location) is higher during coop runs. However, her HP appears to remain the same.

This opens the possibility of opening coop (by using the main pause menu and adding a player 2) to make this battle faster. Player 2 does not need to have a controller attached to be activated, and can be removed using the same menu, so this poses no accesibility issues as no spare controllers are required.

However, this brings up a potential legailty issue: there are no rules about activating player 2 during a single player run. My stance is that 2nd player should be allowed as long as it makes no input. However, I'd like an official stance from the runners before making progress on studying strats involving added coop.

natgoesfast curtiram isso
Sobre ikuyo
7 years ago
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