Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie4 years ago

SRC just notified me about this. Sorry about the delay.

I added an items variable containing Balanced, Strategic, and None. It's set up similar to the category extensions leaderboard, in that item categories don't obsolete each other.

Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie4 years ago

I think I understand what you're getting at. Some 100% unlock codes unlock everything without populating the license trophies. I'd say you're still fine to do runs.

1 e Mynameisjustyahoo curtiu isso
tópico: Watch_Dogs
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

Hey just curious on the timing for ILs.

Pretty sure most missions start with the marker you press 'E' on, so I assume timing starts after the marker disappears.

For the ending though, it's kind of unclear where the mission ends. Is is the first frame the mission clear banner appears?

tópico: The Site
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

@Tron_Javolta and I discussed this briefly in the Discord, so I thought I'd add it here:

In some cases, a game requires a variable to be applied to some, but not all (or one) category. The current way around this is to make a copy of the variable for each category that requires it. So if you have a variable called "Character" that applies to 9 of your 10 categories, you must create 9 "Character" variables with the same values (which is obnoxiously repetitive to create).

The issue this creates is that each copy of the variable is shown in the Filters dropdown, which forces mods to make each name uniquely named to be able to tell them apart in the Filters menu. This also clutters up the Filters menu with all the duplicate variables.

Examples of this can be seen on these leaderboards: (Character variable) (Items variable)

A solution to this would to allow a variable to apply to n-number of categories, instead of one-or-all. For example, when editing a variable, editing the Category value brings up a checkbox list UI that allows you to select any categories it applies to, with All Categories as a separate toggle option.

I understand this would probably cause a bunch of data structure raucous, but I wanted to get it down in writing so it can be planned for the future. Thanks!

Imaproshaman e Oxknifer curtiu isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

All the standard speedrun type categories (32/16/cups) now allow Balanced, Strategic, and None item settings, similar to how 200cc was created. Existing runs have had their variable defaulted to Balanced.

These are setup as variables that don't obsolete each other, so if you do a run in each Balanced, Strategic, and None items, all 3 runs will appear on the same leaderboard. You can use filters to see the best run under an item category. This setup reduces leaderboard clutter and prevents this change from tripling the number of categories.

To accomplish this elegantly, the Time Trials leaderboard had to be moved to a separate parent category. It can be found in the 'Misc.' dropdown. All existing Time Trial runs were migrated manually.

There were a few runs I rejected for not using the correct items. I'll try to go back and approve those now. Shoutouts to @Schipjee for bugging me to get this done.

Jeroen curtiram isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

I made this a while back lol

I was running an MKWii tournament at a Smash tournament, hence the GC controllers

DdariQ e Jeroen curtiu isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

The original idea with these settings is that with them, CTGP is indistinguishable from vanilla MKWii (unless you use WiiU USB GC Mode). So that was the condition that allowed CTGP.

Enabling 'My Stuff' increases load times regardless, which obviously doesn't affect the IGT categories, but is a big deal for the RTA categories. Not sure if enabling "Remove Custom Music" reduces load times or not.

I think the main risk in enabling 'My Stuff' is people gaining an advantage from making visuals clearer or amplifying certain sound effects like shell noises.

As a compromise, I'd be okay with allowing "Remove Game Music" if it is shown not to impact load times. I actually prefer when people use CTGP with vanilla settings because it ensures that people aren't running Gecko/Ocarina codes. It just worry about any unfair advantage it introduces over vanilla.

xYSparkz curtiram isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

Neither can I. I recommend recording your run; or entering IGT as you go, either by using the Manual Game Time plugin for LiveSplit, a spreadsheet, or this

Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

See the "What are the item category equivalents in PAL English?" section in the FAQs here:

Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here's my proposal for a new rules amendment:

##In-game settings ADD: • Courses: In Order

##Category Rules/Timing ADD: • Pausing the game mid-race is not allowedExtraneous inactivity between races is limited to a maximum of 5 seconds per track total throughout the run. For example, for a 32 track run you get 2 minutes 40 seconds (5 x 32 seconds) of break time that may be distributed however necessary throughout the run.

I'm not sure about the last bullet point. It seems a bit too detailed, but I know if we just say "please refrain from taking long breaks mid-run," someone is going to ask "how long is too long". The rule isn't too difficult to enforce because I'd just use the non-play time that I already calculate and see how far from the median you are. This does give less break time to people with slower loads, but from what I calculated the slowest load times only lose 2.4s per course, which still gives the runner nearly 90 seconds for a break in a 32 track run in the worst case.

WiiSuper e m curtiu isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

A topic has come up recently for this leaderboard regarding the rules surrounding IGT timing. Since the rules here are likely to transfer to the main board eventually, this is an important discussion to have.

A couple runs have been submitted recently that play the Mushroom cup out of order. The player uses manual course select rather than 'In Order', which allows the player to do the MG glitch early in the run. Due to the nature of in-game timing, it doesn't affect IGT duration, only real time.

I want to get an idea of how players feel about this, and about playing with an in-game time priority rather than to minimize real time.

##Advantages of not enforcing non-play time limits:

  • Playing the hard parts first. Being able to play the courses out of order means players can reduce the amount of wasted time while grinding runs.
  • High level of execution. More resets means better runs. The quality of gameplay would increase overall.
  • Players can take breaks (stretch, water, restroom). We're humans with needs, and we make the rules for runs. Why unnecessarily stress the human body to play fast?


  • Unfair comparison to legacy runs. All of the past runs have played to minimize real time. It's unfair to old runs that new runs require less effort to grind out.
  • Negative outsider view. A random outsider watching a run would expect the player to go fast. If the WR run is taking 2 minute breaks between each course, using course select, or pausing during a race, the outsider would likely lose respect for a player not displaying the "spirit of speedrunning".
  • Unclear non-play limits. What stops a player from having 2 consoles running, and practicing a track immediately before performing it mid-run?

##Possible solutions:

  • Limit total non-play time (RTA minus IGT)
  • Limit time waste between tracks
  • Ban pausing
  • Enforce track order
  • Any combination of the above

The 2D sonic games use IGT, here's their rule as an example: Pausing without unpausing for more than 20 seconds voids the run. Pausing for more than 10 minutes in total over the entire run makes it void.

I have my own opinions, but let me know what you think in the replies here.

m e xYSparkz curtiu isso
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

CTGP is not possible without a disc. This leaderboard doesn't even track versions back to when CTGP was ISO patchable (5+ years ago).

Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

I think the rules are specific enough. If the cut is possible, then it's allowed. It's just a skips run but dictated by Ultra UnCut.

I don't want to get strong with the ban-hammer yet because new skips will be discovered and I don't want to have to decide legality on every new cut.

I also personally think the new cuts in 200cc add a good amount of timesave, risk, and spectacle to the run that 150cc No Skips tended to lack.

Nightcat curtiram isso
tópico: Watch_Dogs
Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

Not for WD1. Not enough activity to really merit one, either.

There's a WD2 Discord, but that's also pretty dead.

Madison, WI, USAcharlocharlie5 years ago

@Schipjee No, because a retro tracks run must start on rPB.

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