tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

Hay people just a heads up I really don't have the time to be MOD for DIRT 5 anymore and i haven't actually been on here for a good few months. So im going to pass the torch to someone else,

If you want to take over just do what i did when the previous guy left Write in support and follow instructions and someone will be appointed as a new moderator.

Hope you all carry on smashing times but im out. have fun see you all around sometime

ViperUK, VyPr, e Golden_Scorpion curtiu isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

Time trial section is for 1 lap, the game gives you 1 lap on repeat to set a 1 lap time for a leader board position, so this is why free run is the next least amount of laps given, so if you want to do 1 lap or even tracks that only do a stage as a lap then you put it in time trial section.

everyone else has not had a problem with this at all, if you read the forums for rules its clearly described correctly. If you spent a little bit of time checking the forums you can see in the all tracks & new category section the rules and a guide on why they are split and separated.

look forward to seeing your submissions 👍

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

video proof only with a link to the video just like everyone else has, it has to show the ending leaderboard so I can see the track and time accomplished in the run.

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

that's for you to figure out, hence the competition to be the fastest on speedruns.

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

fixed thanks

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme2 years ago

To make everything a little bit easier I have renamed the tracks and added the country they are from in capital letters at the begging of the track name, so now when you want to find the track to upload your time to you can easily find it by name of county instead of reading every track name.


VyPr, DynFe26, e Golden_Scorpion curtiu isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

So all the tracks are now added into the leaderboards for you, with a better way to see them, as they are now in order of how they are in the game with the track name and the reverse version underneath it.

Also I have taken the Finish category and removed it completely and replaced it with Free Run 2 laps as that's what most seem to do, (solo car runs 2 laps)

I also added a Campaign section to the leaderboard so this is strictly now for campaign levels or runs that have Full AI grid Present in Free run.

So now the leaderboard has 3 types or events 1 lap time trials 2 lap free run events (not all tracks can do 2 laps) Campaign levels/Full AI grid Free run (some stages can't do less cars)

I will go through the videos and put them in the right leaderboards. So you have more choice on how to set times in the game than ever before and hopefully a better understanding of leaderboard rules made simpler

Just make sure you have the end of the stage times screen showing in the video as it makes it easier for me to verify times, Also prefer if the beginning of the stage select is in it also, so if clicked free run and track or if in campaign mode selected track.

DynFe26 e Lidean curtiu isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

OK coolio I'll have a good look over weekend and add what's not in there.

DynFe26 curtiram isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

I took over the dirt 5 page here as it was already created, so I don't know what's missing or you want added in, as thought all the tracks from arcade mode are in here

jogada: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

snow for something different I like it, will give this a shot over the weekend

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

can you open tab on side in mobile, click desktop view and check, cos I have no idea what part your on about, as I can see game rules and category rules on any category I click on, but being a mod (and new to this) I'm not sure if I see more than others, thanks

or send me a screen shot on twitter so can see exactly what you mean. cheers fella

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

are they not already in correct tabs anyway when you click view rules?

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

As title says it is now active on the leaderboards.

no more confusion

when you submit you run, at the top now it will have FINISH or TIMETRIAL

If your run is for Time Trial mode (1 lap for the leaderboard) select that section as its now a completely different leaderboard option, with its on records👍🎉

Again FINISH is for CAMPAIGN/FREE PLAY 2 laps with as many opponents in the race with you, (think minimum is 1) TIME TRIAL is 1 lap runs for leaderboard ranks 0 opponents just you ghosts and the clock

Some levels are for distance but if you have opponents in the race with you put it as FINISH. If solo by yourself TIME TRIAL ill look over the rest of the video's from us all and move them into the correct Leaderboard, in the week to come.

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

alight seeing as the last guy left, I submitted it and got I to be a new mod for this game.

So for now rules are as follows. have fun and race, set those times and enjoy the game.

But 1 note here, make sure you post up your FULL TIMES in the run when submitting, so if it 4:45:567 make sure all is in it, not just 4:45. or I won't accept them as its easier for me if everything is correct as honestly this will be learn as we go type of deal lol.

Rules for submissions if its an empty leaderboard put what you did in the description box. So I'E campaign - arcade free run 2 laps, or even 100% distance

Default - campaign 1st choice as it sets a specific car class group to choose from. We can all follow it

If the track is not in campaign then go for free run 2 laps, as many cars as you want what ever difficulty it doesn't matter.

last resort time trial mode as stated above its just 1 lap. So your gonna beat a record set if they do it in campaign or free run

Once I get a hang on this, ill see about adding time trial events to the leaderboards as a separate category, so we can do 1 lap runs as well, which solves all problems.

but for now enjoy and smash those times

Lidean curtiram isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

sorry to see you leave fella.

Lidean e DynFe26 curtiu isso
tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

Yea agree fella but some are already done with time trail mode which is just 1 lap. That's why stated that, but I'm happy to do 2 lap runs in free run for the levels that are not in campaign and not already done on here.

I would say for now, who ever makes the 1st video for the course every one else follows, as long as its the same era of car.

So if someone does it in 80's or modern rally, you can't go to GT & beat them with it using a completely different ranked car.

Then when if more sub categories are made for this game, we can get more specific runs in

DynFe26 curtiram isso
tópico: Virtua Cop 2
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

I would like this too, as i play it on SM2 emulator with lightgun, id love to give it a crack.

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

Yea think once everyone has more of an understanding of all the tracks n maps etc. then sub category's would def be needed, as said some just don't work well and not in the game campaign but I'm sure free play is available and can use for set laps. but guess for now campaign if its available and time trail if its not. until mods add sub cats 👍

and nice time fella would be a shame if someone beat it already lol 🤣🤣👍❤️

tópico: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

ok so campaign gets you with other cars and is the standard for a run has 2 laps etc difficulty doesn't matter cos if your not past the cars within a few corners your not gonna have a good run time

Time trail is just you vs the clock in 1 lap runs.

in henningvaer reverse I'm on 2:37 campaign but time trial is 1:15s as only 1 lap time is recorded as its set for basically fastest lap record.

So I guess still stay with campaign for now, then when more times are up or mods get time add sub category to each track with time trial.

although some tracks have time trial runs in i've seen, so i guess those that have it go for it until all sorted out. i mean there is only like less than 10 of us anyway so far in the category.

i mean it can get very complicated with the use of different cars etc faster or slower cars. so see what people are using and go with that for now, other wise gonna have like different times with different cars etc and all get to complicated

JonnyBrezel curtiram isso
jogada: Dirt 5
Walescanyou_beatme3 years ago

I love it, such fun it really is

Sobre canyou_beatme
4 years ago
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