I'm just asking for emulator, I use an xbox controller but i'm not sure if we have to use an n64 controller, are there any rules on what controller you have to use (For Emulator)
This has probably already been asked but would it be possible if their was a level leaderboard where you could submit all your times for time trials? Or is there something else for that?
I think you can use them to get the shoot to the shoot into the wild blue star after you get to the top
Oh ok that's cool, I didn't know how to tho. But thanks for that. From now on, all of my runs that I submit are actually legit
Alright so I was asleep and my friend got onto my account saying that I got these crazy times on all of the courses.
This is all fake and my friend did it so if you see this Lafungo, please reject all of them.
I will actually get into speedrunning this game soon so that's great.
But anyways, please reject them