Note: I verified my own run after looking at it myself and doing the calculations with the help of the spreadsheet provided by corsaka. There is a chance that my calculations are wrong though. Also, run starts at 17:40
Note: please read the rules, co-op runs require all perspectives for glitchless please 🥺🥺
Note: Changed to any% due to glitchless requiring perspectives of all players in the run.
Note: Not against the rules but please don't use roshade, it hurts my eyes to look at this monstrocity. :(
Note: Run moved to Any% due to disguise sprint glitch being used.
Note: Run Type was changed to Any% due to Glitchless runs requiring both POV (Recordings from all players in the run).
Note: Run Type was changed to Any% due to Glitchless runs requiring both POV (Recordings from all players in the run).
Loscracks did this in a VC with me when I asked if it was possible. I'll try to do this today and see if it isn't anymore in the current version.
Okay, This is just my understanding but this is what I think would be the best course of action: Let all runs be verified (which are legit but affected by the timer glitch) only be on any%. The main appeal of the any% category is completing it as fast as possible with everything at disposal. The glitched timer is something that can't be fully fixed until 4.0 (hopefully) and personally, I think it would be a bad decision to not accept runs until then.
I am so mad about trick or treat, black friday, gift factory and many other RNG heavy heists in the full game speedrun that I can't take it anymore. This may not be the best course of action but there has to be some other alternative.