AntarcticaVallnoir8 years ago

This is based on what I do for my attempts and is very much open to any sort of change or optimization as each person sees fit. Basically use this as a guideline for what you'd like to do and go from there.

After clearing the tutorial Lizard Men fight, place the Sprohm icon next to Giza Plains. This can be any of the three directions, it's not important which.

Purchase the next mission, Herb Picking. Purchase: Silver Sword x2, Rod x1, Thorn Bow x1, Rising Sun x1. Sell: Bandages x4 Change the Nu Mou to a Black Mage, equip everyone but Montblanc with new weapons that were purchased. Equip the item ability on Marche.

Herb Picking

  • Place the soldier in the bottom location so he can get a first turn kill on the Fairy when he moves

After the mission, place Lutia Pass on any space directly next to Sprohm. Again, exact location doesn't matter, just so long as it's next to the town. This is so Knives will be against the law during the next mission, rendering two enemies completely useless in terms of damage.

Purchase the next mission, Thesis Hunt.

Thesis Hunt

  • Make sure to kill the White Mage before he heals his party too much, otherwise standard battle

After Thesis Hunt, place Nubswood wherever you'd like. Head to either Cyril or Sprohm. Purchase the next mission, The Cheetahs.

The Cheetahs

  • I'd recommend deploying the two Black Mages and the Soldier, though in this battle a lot of the main damage will come from the guest characters.
  • Black mages are good for area, ranged damage. Kind of useful to keep them from getting hurt too badly.
  • Be wary of the White Monk and his Air Render ability, it will hurt A LOT

After the mission, place Eluut Sands wherever most convenient. Purchase the next mission, Desert Peril. Purchase with remaining Gil: Gauntlets or Battle Boots.

  • Gauntlets allow for easier killing while Battle Boots add in extra defense. I usually put these on my Soldiers or Monk. If any valuable drops have been obtained, those can be sold to buy a couple more of these accessories as they are kind of costly.

Desert Peril

  • Entering this battle on the 15th of the month will make lightning against the law rendering the flan completely helpless
  • It's very easy to die here, try to focus one panther at a time with the melee characters before the antlion and blue panther get into the fray
  • Black Mages are good at dealing area damage as always. Archer can immobilize if needed to keep an enemy or two from getting close

After the mission, place Ulei River wherever most convenient. Purchase the next mission, Twisted Flow. Purchase with remaining Gil: Hi-Potion x10, Phoenix Down x10

  • If some money is leftover, more Battle Boots or even hats and armor can be purchased and equipped for extra safety

Twisted Flow

  • Roulette. It will either happen or not. It's good if it takes out an enemy or two, but be prepared to revive a lot during this fight.
  • Focus the additional enemies before working on Famfrit. It's impossible to bring him down while ignoring them
  • Use Marche or the other Soldier to Speedbreak Famfrit at some point, lowering his turn count significantly
  • Once additional enemies are dead, work Famfrit's health down slowly by attacking with the Soldiers and Monk. All other units deal terrible damage and aren't worth the time
  • Mages and Archer can go on potion duty, healing the fighters that get damaged by counter and other attacks

Split when Famfrit dies and you're done!

AxiomNom curtiram isso
AntarcticaVallnoir8 years ago


If interested or have questions, feel free to join the server.

AntarcticaVallnoir9 years ago

I figure we might as well have a post here we can discuss the Any% route and what might be the most optimal. I'll go ahead and start by posting my current route I've been using.

System 1: 1-1: 10 Critters 1-2: 9 Critters + Capsule 1-3: 6 Critters Secret 1-2 1-4: 9 Critters

System 2: 2-1: 0 Critters + Capsule 2-2: 12 Critters + Capsule 2-3: 3 Critters Secret 2-2 Secret 2-1 2-4: 7 Critters

System 3: 3-1: 25 Critters + Capsule 3-2: 6 Critters + Capsule 3-3: 6 Critters + Capsule Secret 3-1 Secret 3-2 Secret 3-3 Secret 3-4 3-4: 12 Critters

System 4: 4-1: 0 Critters 4-2: 10 Critters 4-3: 0 Critters 4-4: 5 Critters

System 5: 5-1: 0 Critters + Capsule 5-2: 0 Critters 5-3: 0 Critters Secret 5-1 5-4: .done

This is slightly different than my current 1:19 run. The difference being the new 2-2 skip and making up the 12 critters lost there elsewhere, which I added in on 3-4 and 4-4 as boss levels don't have moons and the critters aren't out of the way at all. I was already over the 120 critters needed for the final boss, so I didn't need the full 12.

System 1 is pretty much locked in stone so long as the 1-3 skip is used, which is essentially required as it saves a significant amount of time.

My logic behind my System 3 section is that by doing all of the capsule and secret levels, it unlocks the extra fourth stage, which means later on I don't have to pick up another capsule. Not only does this save time by not having to collect it, it also means skipping critters on some stages entirely bypassing moon. This change is seen in 4-3 where the moon is a hard 35 seconds or so with no way to end it early (being large disables damage from spikes and enemies).

Secret 5-1 is chosen as the System 4/5 level mostly because it has one of the quickest corruption points and the level itself taking almost no time to complete.

I'm up for suggestions on how this route could be improved. If anything it's going to come down to testing out different critter rationing and secret levels, but for now I think this is pretty decent. I'll do a couple runs again soon with the new tricks and see if that 1:15 sum of best is possible.

¤Edit¤ - Changed critter count for levels, grabbing extra in 3-4 and 4-4 for less moon time.

Sobre Vallnoir
9 years ago
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