British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade6 years ago

Hey guys...

If you haven't read this yet https://pastebin.com/s66DEAv3

I have stepped down from being mod of this game. You guys are in great hands with EBC.

All of you have made this game and community grow so much over the past 4 years, it is truely amazing. And I can't thank you guys enough for what you have done.

Keep pushing this game to its limit, and get that sub 11. I believe in you all.


Rioyner, Realer e 6 outros curtiu isso
British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade6 years ago

Hey there guys.

Glad to see that this leaderboard is up and running. I also submitted to get this game up, but you guys beat me to it (good job)

Anyways, guess asking to be a mod would be out of the question at the moment.

Though I do have a suggestion for the leaderboards, have it split between Console and PC. And maybe have a split for Local and Online?

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

Hey guys,

As of 8/20/2017 I will no longer be modding this game. I haven't really ran the game and don't really know anything of the updates.

I have given Havi full control of the leaderboards.

Thanks, Shade

Havi curtiram isso
British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

Basically what I am asking for is, when we submit a run you can put in which Class you were. But only the main groups.

So I submit an Any% run with a Force character, people can see the time difference between a Force run and a Hunter run.

Also this is probably worded horribly, it is like 4am and I just finished an all mission run... so yeah...

ngBurns curtiram isso
British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

Since getting mod I have cleaned up the leaderboard and have added IL's for people who have been asking. If you have any other questions, you can post it in this thread or contact me on twitter (best place to contact me) @MrTrUShade

Sgitch curtiram isso
British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

So since new versions are coming out. I am only keeping the current 2 versions on leaderboards. anything else goes to old versions

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

Do we know if any other walls are like this, could this maybe help in a speedrun (eventually) if other walls are like this

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade7 years ago

Old Rules

Timing starts when pressing start at the title screen. Timing ends on final hit on Dedede. Using Config Mode is banned.

Allowed emulators: bgb and gambatte.

New Rules

Timing starts when pressing start at the title screen. Timing ends on final hit on Dedede. Any time under 12 minutes requires video proof Using Config Mode is banned.

Allowed emulators: bgb and gambatte.

Would like to hear feedback. Thank you

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade8 years ago

allow more then one runner for a run?

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade8 years ago

I wanted to post this so you guys could have some input as well...

I'm thinking Tutorial island to General Assembly would be the best idea for what any% could be. And I'm thinking that if you do it solo change your privacy to no one allowed to join. So it would be true solo run. If you do it in a fireteam, you have to have the same fireteam throughout the whole run.

Any missions that break this rule would be automatically disqualified. Thoughts?

British Columbia, CanadaTrUShade10 years ago

I like kirby.

Kirby is cute.

I basically do Kirby's Dream Land and such. Trying to learn new games when i'm not a scrub

Sobre TrUShade
10 years ago
9 months ago
Jogos jogados
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