Hi all, a run was submitted recently that used the new checkpoint system to finish TT9 in under 2 minutes by activating the final checkpoint whilst parked at the shores of gold. As clever as I thought this was obviously I couldn't allow it. Luckily in this case it did break a rule "All runners must be in range of the STARTING island" (They were all aboard the ship but it was at the shores of gold, not Morrow's Peak) so I was able to reject it fairly. I've now added to the rules that checkpoints can't be used when running Tall Tales (I'm sure you understand that other games wouldn't count a speedrun that starts from the final checkpoint). That's my bad for not adding the rule when the update dropped.
Ahoy! Just in case you aren't keeping up with the other forum posts I'm announcing that I've added a few new categories! Fort of the Damned is now a new main category and all of the tall tales now have a 100% category to try. Both of these have a lot of rules that had to be implemented for them to work but I think I've got them all figured out. If you can think of any issues with the rules please let me know. Otherwise I'm excited to see how quickly the new runs can be completed (Particularly the Fort of the Damned).
Hi guys, with today's update a new tall tale is being added. Obviously each Tall Tale will be added as a category but I can't do this until I know the start and finish requirements (obviously they all start on final vote). I personally play TT's for the first time with my family so I won't be playing the new one until friday night. So if ever a new Tale is added, comment the completion condition here (e.g. turning in the shroudbreaker) so I can ay least make the category ASAP. Whilst I'd prefer minimal spoilers, the runs come first.
Eating the banana early now skips the Pirate Lords first set of dialogue in the new update, so you're pretty much guaranteed to save time if you run the tale again now. You can also skip some shovel dialogue but you cannot take tge shovel any sooner
I'm wanting to add a category for the parkour course around the sea dogs tavern at the centre of the map. Rare added this course with the bells for the very purpose of seeing who could do it the quickest and it has many unofficial runs, so I'd like to think it'd be a popular category. But I'd like to see if the community would be interested first.
Time would begin upon ringing the first bell and would end upon ringing the 3rd bell. I'd make a rule for all 3 bells to be rang to make sure people are actually going through the whole course.
If people would be interested, would you also want a reverse category where you go through the course backwards, which is considered a somewhat (But not really) more challenging version. Or would that be pointless? You can't ring the second bell in the reverse category without back tracking so it might be pointless.
I'd be interested to see if anyone else would want this, as I'd hope it would be a good entry run for more casual players
I was running challenge% and naturally using the 555612 seed when i thought id do sub-splits for each level, so i looked at my pb to make ones such as '3 jump canyon, diplo tarpit, long tarpit, t-rex egg mountain'. But as soon as I ran i realised that the only level that seems to stay the same with this seed is level 1. Sometimes I can encounter 2 tar-pits with a diplo in a single run and sometimes not at all. Each time i'm definitely using the 555612 seed so what purpose do they serve if it doesn't make each run identical?