Swagorath1 year ago

Back before redesigns started we had the Misc option this would put subcategories into a Folder. You could choose every individual Subcategory of a Category if you want to display it as a button, or dropdown. If you had many buttons the buttons would form a second line to have enough space.

Then we got it automated, we had a character limit for the first few categories, then the rest would go into dropdown.

Now we the update we can choose between dropdown and display all (which is useless because it forms a great long line until it cant be seen anymore if you need to force it) and automatic, which basically chooses dropdown once the line is to full. There is no point in choosing buttons,

Why have that fucking button? to say you have it? We had a system which maxximised customization. https://vxtwitter.com/speedruncom/status/1691117488342286336?s=20

Swagorath2 years ago

I know the update was a while ago, but multiple things about leaderboards are still broken which doesnt give us all old functions we had with the old layout.

Its mostly about unnecesairy collapsing. -Subcategories collapse if there are more than three (this is entirely unneccesairy because you can get a dropdown with the (misc) system

  • Variables get collapsed if there is to many of them, even if there would be space
  • Maincategories become a bad scrollbar when there are to many.

Communities were able to control all of those before, so why is the option gone to have control about the layout how your leaderboard looks from moderators?

Caarda, Merl_ e 3 outros curtiu isso
Swagorath2 years ago

add paypal and other services as an option to pay. also there should be a option to buy a single month/year without a subscribtion.

As an example in germany creditcards are often not used (only around a third of people have one), we first have a girocard which skips the process of making debt and just gives direct access to your bank account and it doesnt allow for online stuff and has to be directly physically used. this is often supplemented with online banking and alternatives like paypal.

nasuper, Sizzyl e 4 outros curtiu isso
Swagorath2 years ago

Generally Game Requests can be handled in the shared Discord of our community. https://discord.gg/R6cqEYtsTW

But people are free to request games here. The community will then decide to either add a full game or as a board on https://www.speedrun.com/minor_paradox_gsgs

Swagorath3 years ago

All changes on the leaderboard like bigger removals, new categories etc will be posted here. This is made to make the Structure of the furom more clean.

Votes on changes are done on the discord.

Swagorath3 years ago

HOI4 Speedrunning Discord https://discord.com/invite/wZ5ychC

Paradox Grand Strategy Speedrunning Discord https://discord.gg/tmN7AgXpjW

The shared Subreddit of the Paradox Speedrunning Communities https://www.reddit.com/r/ParadoxSpeedruns/

The HOI4 Wiki https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Hearts_of_Iron_4_Wiki

Swagorath3 years ago

Why is only Speed 4 allowed in Realtime? Speed 5 is largly dependant on CPU speed, Speed 4 has at least a cap which can be reached with newer CPUs.

Can I use Speed 5 in Ingame Time? Yes, but the run wont be eligible for the Realtime Leaderboard.

Can we add a category? We have a category request Thread here, also Formable nations can just be done after the category rules and submitted.

Why dont exclusivly play on the newest Version? We cant trash all old runs just because they were played on a old version, allowing all aviable versions makes a level ground for competition. Also speedrunning has a long history of cherrypicking old versions for speedrunning.

**Why dont make every Version its own category?" It would get bloated way to fast and really reduce the actual competition on the board. Once major Bugfixes are in place a category split will be made.

Why dont measure runs by the Ingame date? We do that just switch to "Ingame Time" on the leaderboards.

Is a screen good enough for Ingame Time run verification? No, the community found screens even for bad runs as not enough for verification. Video ensures the legitimacy of runs.

Where do i get old versions? Look at the resources page. You will also find other things useful for speedrunning there.

With which category should i start? Assuming you play the current patch you should start with Capitulate 1.10 (or whatever the current newest Version is) To get into fighting optimised against AI you should start with Capitulate Ethiopia. After that to get into some tricks you can play Capitulate Poland. When you learned the Game "Form Nation" runs are most recommended.

Swagorath3 years ago

I already informed people on the discord that they should discuss it, but i should probaly do it here too. Savinglag is a problem for fair RT runs so deactivating ironman resolves that. So Non Ironman runs should probably be allowed for Real Time runs with certain limitations/prerequisites. Ofcourse those runs will be restricted to be played like if it was Ironman. So I would ask you to propose those limitations/prerequisites or state your disagreement if you are against it.

Swagorath3 years ago

Not really part of the community directly but i like to follow 007 speedrunning. The board here has holes and doesnt really show what the actual best times are. I know you cant add the users directly by the rules but you can add them as anonoymus which would be accourding to the rules. I know certain communites have a problem with elitism but having a dumbed down leaderboard because of it doesnt make it better. Also SRC is a big site and could be a place of misinformation because of it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706579520731217992/807362876594978836/unknown.png

Swagorath3 years ago

This is a discord for all paradox grand strategy speedrunners.


Swagorath4 years ago

If you send in times worse than your personal best, those runs will be just rejected, please take the time to time your own runs. If you have the time to grind you have the time to time it in one or two minutes.

Swagorath4 years ago

Currently there is a loophole in 100% which would allow people to skip parts of the current route to get times under 5 minutes.

(The change in route would be to just skip the puzzle in stage 6 to get to heaven and then finish the stage normally with the ancient inscribtion)

I will make 2 answers to make the votes, if you dont have runs in 100% the vote wont be counted!

Feel free to discuss here

DerPannzerKommandant curtiram isso
Swagorath4 years ago

Timed will only be timed perfectly if uploaded on youtube, If you use Twitch and have a timer which starts on the right time we will broadly pause it and give you the "endframe time" If you set the end early we will just round up to the next full second!

zneix curtiram isso
Swagorath4 years ago

Runs which have their start end end premeasured get priority for verification.

Swagorath4 years ago

Chains% - damageless Bossfight Pancake% - giving every Demon pancakes (or coffee) split in both endings

Could later add Puzzle% for everything until the boss fight. But I first wanna see how these categories go.

Example Runs

I hope I can see much optimization again ^^

Lupu curtiram isso
Swagorath4 years ago

I know timers and other things only say the last 2 decimals but for "milli" (1000) you need 3 decimals add a zero for gods sake.

Badoum curtiram isso
Swagorath4 years ago

Damageless to make a bigger difference beetween any% and it and to increase the challange.

Timing should be from the last frame of "bad end" of level IX to the first frame of the closing animation after the bossfight.

This would be a test run:

Swagorath4 years ago

I retimed every run in ANY% under 5 seconds. Timing method will now be from the first frame before the menu slides in to the first frame you can see the end sceen.

This is done because slight differences in timing can be ignored in most other cathegories but because this is a run of a second in the best case there is no other option.

New runs should be uploaded in 60fps to guarantee best possible timing. http://www.watchframebyframe.com/ <- I use this to measure all runs you can too.

As an example http://www.watchframebyframe.com/watch/yt/pLbB05LfuYY https://s12.directupload.net/images/200516/7lkplmcy.png

Times where all retimed some gained some lost. In the End its more accurate which is the best outcome.

Swagorath4 years ago

Runs will get closer and more perfect. We should switsch to timing with milliseconds at least for world records.

The best points to measure start and end would be the last frame where "New Game" is seeable and the first frame the closing animation starts at the end.

https://s12.directupload.net/images/200514/zxp56igb.png measured with http://www.watchframebyframe.com/

The current worldrecord would be 4m 55s 620ms

Mononon, Pixley2000, e Badoum curtiu isso
Sobre Swagorath
Paradox Series Mod HOI4 Moderator
6 years ago
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