StormySandford21 days ago

Wow, a new runner. Great job on your run! I like to welcome new runners to the game by sharing my wisdom as a top runner of this game and give you my through thoughts on what could be improved on.

First and foremost, I like the way that you were able to adapt well enough to your liking of your controls and movement. And shows that you have at least prior knowledge of the map beforehand.

One of the very mechanics that you might not have been aware off prior however, would have to be the air dodge mechanic of this game. The Crusade airdodge mechanic is treated more like a dash. And is universal to every character in the game. And it can be done in 8 directions on keyboard and 12 directions in total for controller. Meaning that, at the start of your run, you could potentially walk off from the platform and press the airdodge after leaving away from the 1st platform stepped on indicated. This, in return, should save you plenty of time.

The very last platform seemed to be the very one that you struggled on the most. Some of the variety of options that you could probably do could be to use the airdodge like mentioned before, or use agumon's up b or up special, which is a simple uppercut move that sends agumon up that can get agumon up to the last platform. The up b would probably be more consistent though, since that you don't have to worry about the fixed angle of the crusade airdodge on keyboard or the accident angle with controller as much.

Overall, however, is a pretty good start for you. I would recommend looking on many of the other sources of BTP runs by one of our world record holders to get some more context. DO NOT BE INTIMEDATED BY HOW GOOD THEY ARE. This is just me trying to give you further content to help you with improving your run.

Slippy318 Speedrun Profile: the WR vid:

ArgentSky curtiram isso
StormySandford2 months ago

I suppose what you are talking in terms of the versions of the game would be their separate categories where you unlock these characters (And a full game category if anyone is actually interesting lmao).

I suppose this would be something interesting for later discussion however. But as of now in the moment, there is not a lot of novelty to go about unlocking them as fast as possible yet. Not a lot of others have that mindset of being able to unlock a character like with other smash games that might require you to do so.

There is usually a single button that you can just press in the main menu screen that just gives you all of the unlocks anyways too. Including the stages.

For the longest time, there's been just the 4 runners (Including another one that's just starting as well, but otherwise can't be determined for the time being) and the category has been dominated by the single player modes explicitly shown in game. Being that of Target Test. Slime, for example, has been playing RTA for TT ever since (even when I am not very much into it, it should not be understated that not a lot of other categories have been ran for a long time as well, and there have been some finite of runs that have recently got back into some of the categories besides some of the older single player modes that been around). During most of this games optimal lifespan, has mostly been Individual Levels of characters on Break The Targets and Board the Platforms by only one other runner alone.

Also happy new year to all and beyond when running this game. Never thought I would be running this game longer than I should have.

jogada: Wipeout Pure
StormySandford1 year ago

pretty cool game

StormySandford1 year ago

Done, you can now select the character that you chose in the runs now

StormySandford1 year ago

"kill the times in this game"

Well have I sure done plenty of that over the years. And to be honest, first time around I never expected to get as good as I remembered. My only one thought process was that "would it be funny if I just took about half the individual world records in BTT?". And I exactly did just that. Just doing what I exactly said I was going to do and being the most well rounded player I could be.

Black-Shadow curtiram isso
StormySandford2 years ago

This post is a little bit outdated in terms of where you can now find the source of WR's now. There should be a Hyperlink to the WR sheets next to the discord Hyperlink (The buttons below the follow button).

StormySandford2 years ago

Welcome newcomer!! I'm usually not into these kinds of runs (I do BTT runs). But it's very cool to see some of the most talented people on this site. Not really, it takes way too much dedication to even get a run going nowadays.

StormySandford2 years ago

I'm quite proud that the grandpa of this game is still kicking it.

StormySandford2 years ago

To end some of the confusion for the sake of those testing, the nair hitbox does linger for almost the rest of the end of it's animation. The fair of 9.3 does not have this. Therefore, to compensate for my current route and strategy of 9.3 I had to use the bouncers, which are much more easy than in 9.2, to then time my hit of nair from the bottom center targets with barely any or no land lag. Therefore, after that I jump fastfall to nair again and hold up whist during the attack animation of nair (this also requires some timing but with practice it's not that strict) to get a bit of boost to sufficiently jump and fair the last target for the win. this is much more common with other heavy characters with only an exception of bowser (if I can remember on the top of my head as I am writing this).

StormySandford2 years ago

Yeah sure after I'm done submitting some of the runs in here.

Sobre StormySandford
2 years ago
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