North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear3 years ago

Now with Best Ending being a category I also demand a worst ending category /s

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear3 years ago

Thank you! This will definitely help when I am going back to this game.

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear3 years ago

There is no need to apologize, you are learning. :)

AriesFireTiger curtiram isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear3 years ago

I don't think literally every gimmick run should be on the leaderboard.

tópico: Speedrunning
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear3 years ago

Furious_ has made a plugin for Livesplit that automatically split your speedruns, which makes highlighting your runs a lot more convenient (and faster).

Check out the video if you are interested in this plugin:

Krayzar, happycamper_ e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Super Metroid
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear4 years ago

Auto-verification isn't bad, people's attitude by trolling is bad.

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear4 years ago

Just keep in mind that because of the different regions some tricks are possible only on PAL and vice versa.

Firstleveldruid curtiram isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear4 years ago

Thank you Desolis!

That Google Doc you made gives me a lot of insight and let me understand better how this game works. Very interesting that Ryu's attack actually does 2 damage instead of 1.

Also now I understand why my inputs "got eaten". It takes a few more frames before you can do another input again. Which will probably take a while to adjust to, because I am so used to the NES Ninja Gaiden.

Once again thank you Desolis for the help =)

Desolis curtiram isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear4 years ago

Hey all,

This week I started to learn this amazing run. But I have a few questions and I wonder if someone could answer them.

Question 1) How does the "shield dude" mechanic work? When do they exactly raise their shields?

Question 2) How does the ninpo damage distribution work?


Desolis, jellyd0ts, e NeoKad curtiu isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear5 years ago


  • Venue is easy to reach!
  • Close to foodcorners.
  • I love it that the practise room and stream rooms are in the same big room so you do not accidentally miss anything when you're practising.
  • Arcade room was a nice add-on.
  • The Speedgaming tournament room this year was a lot of fun.
  • Free popcorn, water and ice cream. <3
  • The breakfast was amazing, a lot of nutricious food.
  • I loved the intermission break videos. I am sure this will inspire upcoming speedrunners.
  • Stream 2 this time felt like an addition to stream 1 and not a "less known game stream".
  • Good atmosphere. The people were nice overall.


  • Awful playlist during intermissions. Only one genre and a handful of songs.
  • The hotel suddenly implemented some rules mid-marathon which caused some minor drama (which I will not discuss here, for the sake of not letting it getting out of hand. If the ESA wants to know more please reach out to me for the story).
  • It was super messy at some point. Some of the attendees are pigs who do not clean up after themselves. I think ESA should be more strict on this.
  • Bar closing at 23:00 is very early. I understand they do not want drunks in the hotel. But darn, is it early normally you only could get 1 or 2 beers in.
  • I love memes and all (heck I even tried to go for a 0:25 before CK found a way to get a 0:24), but the Street Boyz crew was so loud that it was audible on stream and I think that is unacceptable.
  • Not using a CRT for speedrunning. As a retro runner I rather play on a "old but trusted CRT" than a modern setup. There were a lot of problems during setup and my run because of this.
  • The audio setup during my run was all but ideal. Im used to BSG's approach to audio and there were a lot more options. I might've had a bad expectation about it, but I thought that a bigger marathon would atleast have the same kind of level of expertise than a small marathon.
  • The AC was on certain days waaaaay too cold. That at one point I am not even sure if it's healthy for a human being.

Overall I had a great experience at ESA and I am very glad I went! But of course an event cannot be 100% perfect so I hope the cons I expressed are considered into the next one. And if the ESA wants to elaborate on any of the points I just made, please hit me up. I didn't want this to be one big wall of text. :)

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear5 years ago

The thing you get out of this is a place on the leaderboard.

DreamTaker curtiram isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear5 years ago

I wasn't aware of that! Would be awesome if you could share it somewhere!

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear5 years ago

For the newest strats I would also recommend Frenchie's WR video. Kanis run was great, but Frenchie did some optimisations since that run.

tópico: The Messenger
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

Unfortunately there's no gamepadviewer for the Switch Pro controller atm. I already looked for it. Using another skin makes the gamepadviewer go apeshit haha.

But I already made a different layout. It's aethetically unpleasing, but validity is more important.

tópico: The Messenger
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

But that is such a beautiful Drawer :( Okay noted. Will swap it around so the gamefeed is on top :)

tópico: The Messenger
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

Yeah I was already scared that it would be annoying for viewers/verifiers that they cannot see the shards. I wonder what the rest of the Messenger community thinks. If it's a big issue I can change the layout.

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

Thanks appreciated!

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

Hi guys,

First of all thank you JTB that you want to share your knowledge with us.

I tried to access the "Ninja Gaiden Black Item Pickup Guide", but unfortunately I immediately get an "acces denied" message from Google Sheets because I do not have the rights. I can ask for permission, but I guess that would drive JTB nuts if everyone asks for it. Perhaps an idea to share the sheet publicly?

North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

@kokoro got hacked. So they used an image to restore a big part of the website, because a lot of runs and games got deleted.

twin0mega curtiram isso
North Brabant, NetherlandsShuriBear6 years ago

I am not sure if an unified ruleset would be smart. Yes they are the same series, but the feel of each game is different. Of course it would make it easier for the whole old school Ninja Gaiden community. But on the other hand, I think you should read the rules of the category/game you want to run anyway.

If you are going to run a game/category and get rejected because you do not want to read it's your fault. Plus to be fair if we look at the SRL glossary of Low% it states "A run that completes the game with the bare minimum lowest percentage." So I think it's universal agreed that an upgrade/refill of any kind is out of the question.

And if you think the rules aren't clear just ask, there is no shame in asking in my opinion.

twin0mega curtiram isso
Sobre ShuriBear
7 years ago
11 months ago
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Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
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