woah woah woah! lets maybe make it from the first player that escapes not the second person! ( I thought you were trolling )
Mods like me very much but they dont verify my runs instantly and I feel very offended by them not doing that
@CuteDuckk12 the update just came out maybe they want to see if anything changes so they don't have to move everything to a new patch already, unknowns these days.
My point was that you are complaining about an 8 minute speedrun not getting verified after 4 days whilst I am not complaining about a 5 second speedrun not getting verified it is going to get verified either way just wait a bit
I have been waiting 5 days for a 5 second speedrun what is your point?
who do these unknowns think they are sit down quietly and wait
Bloxstrap is just an fps unlocker but with other cosmetic features I don't get why it isn't allowed if their fps is capped to 60.
I think 2020 is on about that resetting character there affects the timer a bit too much and if you think about it the elevator apart of the level and if it is already open that means that the level has already started and a speedrun can not start mid-run (which is what it would be when resetting your character).