tópico: Gyromite
Player2093 months ago
  1. Timing starts when you press start on Game B
  2. Timing ends when the end of level music starts after completing Phase 25.
  3. One player must use both controllers
  4. Everdrive or PowerPak may be used.

I think the run page definitely lacks that category. It would be good to add it. That's so much more enjoyable than playing with R.O.B. or pet.

Player2093 months ago

The point is destroying, capturing or neutralising SPRT/NPC ships/grids as fast as possible.

Rules of sub-categories could be different; either de-power then, destroy all dangerous blocks (like weapons and spawner antennas), capture them, or destroy their AI.

The grids in question could be: Cargo Ships, other spawning ships (like Argentavis), drones (things what spawn by Antennas), bases, random encounters, and other things. Each type and each variety is it's own sub-category.

Player2093 months ago

Could have 2 sub-categories:

First one is: start with Progression enabled and unlock all blocks ASAP.

Second one is: start with Progression turned off, and build some sort of block at the very end of usual progression - like, Reactor or AI.

Player2093 months ago

You must make a base (grid) with powered Refinery, powered Assembler and powered means of respawn (Survival Kit/Medical Room) as fast as possible.

Can be split into 2 sub-categories - space start and planet start.

Player2093 months ago

You start the run on a space pod, and must land on a planet or moon relatively intact as fast as possible.

The pod must have a powered Survival Kit after landing. If it is damaged and not functioning, you must repair the ship (or build a base) to the point when Survival Kit would start working. If it is damaged beyond repair, the run is failed.

Player2093 months ago

The point is to start on a planet or moon, and then reach the space as fast as possible.

Being "in space" officially counts when the natural gravity equals 0.

You must send a player character into space, while on a grid containing powered Survival Kit.

Another sub-category could be "just launching a character into space" at least somehow.

Using Klang to break speed limit is not allowed. Any other glitches allowed.

tópico: Hungry Pumkin
Player2094 months ago

Other games of Pumkinland. Hungry Pumkin is not only game; there also was: Numbers, The Fruits Game, In-On-Over-Under, Barnyard Disco, Vegetables, The Clothes Game, The Color Game. Each of those games could be made into it's own category in Category Extensions (or, even multiple categories per game).

Player2094 months ago

You can mixt those three systems into one. Basically, it's a piston, then a turning tube, rotor, tall U-shape made of conveyors, lots of downwards-facing pistons, another rotor, a hinge, and a line of drills. For even more optimality, all those drills are facing in "stick" in one side (as seen on upper video), as opposed to two sides (seen on bottom video).

Clang be praised - as otherwise, he's likely won't be pleased by such contraption. It may break, but it'll mine a lot - and it will definitely mine enough to pay for itself.

Perhaps, you could add another hinge to the very first horizontal-facing rotor. Basically, you would have 2 rotors and 2 hinges total - a crazy construction for even more ground coverage.

Player2094 months ago

That is not only useful for Project Nexus optimized builds, but it also useful for making Original Characters and other community-made characters. Most people want to make OC's as cool and powerful as possible, without accidentally turning them into Mary Sues.

Having good Armor values would make a OC tougher, and therefore cooler. After all, no one thinks what basic understanding of math and ability to work with spreadsheets are plot-breaking abilities. Practical means effective, what results in being gorgeous; besides, ludicrous looks of some of optimized, but mismatching loadouts can be fixed by proper styles and painting.

When making your OC, just think - how much Maximum Encumbrance you OC is supposed to happen, and then calculate accordingly.

tópico: The Juicer
Player2094 months ago

It would be logical to divide "All Gold Trophies" into two categories:

The "Joke Category", what would have jokes and second-long runs.

And "100%" and "Any%" categories, what would have unironic speedruns of the game (apparently, they existed, but videos got lost). "100%" would require you to complete the game with all Gold Trophies, while "Any%" would be about just completing the game at all.

Segmented level runs would also be a very good idea. In particular, "Any%" of Level 1-1 would be the simplest unironic category to run.

Player2094 months ago

Man, 2 months have passed, and still no new entry about PC remake. Perhaps, you should indeed make a new remake campaign categories in the old game page? Each difficulty would be it's separate sub-category.

Player2094 months ago

Something like this. But - you can tune it to move really fast - like, 1 full speed of 1 piston (that was a variant without rotating down piston).

When i was making a similar thing (and i came up with that idea before i saw that video), my variant lacked down piston. Instead, it had a wide array of pistons - but otherwise it was similar. Such "wide" variant is more stable, but more expensive. Also, my variant had about 5+ pistons - or even more. The more - the merrier.

The faster it moves downwards and rotates, the faster it works. But faster speeds may result in crash. My super-fast version crashed 1 time in about 1-3 hours, so that's not a big deal.

Some use Hinges instead. They save somewhat more drills, dig more materials, and dig square holes. So, hinge is better than rotor.

You can combine rotor and hinge for maximum results - it mines the most, though collides with walls and makes jagged walls. So, Hinge+Rotor is the best variant of moving the drill block.

Also, if we are using Rotor or Hinge+Rotor variant, stacking all drills to one side (like on upper video) is most efficient variant. So, all drills to one side+Rotor+Hinge is good choice.

More over - in the Rotor+Hinge system, Hinge should be at the base! Meaning, actually, Rotor+Hinge+Piston is better!

Player2094 months ago

You could add Advanced Rotor(s) to move the drills block horizontally, and add horizontal piston to move the drills block closer or further from the base. And a lot of pistons to move drill block downwards - ideally, when the construction is folded, it would reach the ground.

Player2095 months ago

Besides, how adding runs on boards without moderators work? Do runs automatically approve, or never get approved?

And how unmoderated boards can get new moderators? Usually, a already existing moderator makes you a new moderator; but on such boards, where does user need to pend to be made a moderator? Or what?

NatherinAlex757454 curtiram isso
Player2096 months ago

There was yet another 4 games of Endless War Games: it is Endless War 5, Endless War 6, Endless War 7 and Endless War Defense.

In Endless War 5 to 7 you play as tank commander of Allies, USSR and Axis, respectively.

In Endless War Defense, you build and protect line of fortifications, what is constantly attacked by enemies.

Perhaps you could add these new games somewhere.

For example, these games at

Player2096 months ago

Could you re-appload it? The video, apparently, got lost.

Caarda curtiram isso
Player2096 months ago

What about a mixed varians? We first make 2 subcategories there, as i imagined, and then we request the game sequel page. After the game sequel page is made, we then re-shuffle and change categories again.

Player2096 months ago

Idea is pretty good. However, i was thinking about making 2 separate sub-categories for reasons.

It's more simple to do it in sub-categories - as it doesn't require a speedrun video and requesting.

Besides, the sequel seems to be not popular - meaning, does it even deserve a separate page (and not just a sub-categories)?

But Pinocchio/Buratino series is a good idea.

Player2096 months ago

It looks like the remake also has multiple campaigns/playing modes - at screenshots, i can see "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (the recreation of old campaign) and "The New Secret of Pinocchio" (the new campaign).

Maybe, we should make each campaign/playing mode a separate subcategory.

Player2097 months ago

Turns out there was a remake of our game:

It also has multiple difficulty levels - meaning a lot of categories. Would we want to add it somewhere?

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The Adventures of Buratino
The Adventures of Buratino
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MADNESS: Project Nexus
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Dr Livesey Rom And Death Edition
Dr Livesey Rom And Death Edition
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MADNESS: Project Nexus
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