I just saw today that Mekarazium beat my world record, and I congratulate him. I've watched the run and it's solid. I did notice one thing however: his run was done on a completed file, meaning that he did not have to wait for character unlocks after each fight, while my run, and every other on the boards, was done on a fresh file. I'm not, like, mad about my record being beaten, absolutely not, I like the new competition. However, I want to ask: Should we include some distinction between fresh files and completed files, since this isn't addressed in the rules?
I was wondering, with the upcoming release of LA Noire for Xbox One, PS4 and Switch, could someone add these to the platform section for submissions? Btw, I'm excited to start running and streaming this with the XB1 release since I dont have a PC. I've learned some strats and watched runs before, but have never had the chance to stream. Until now :)
This game was recently added to the Xbox One library, and that is the platform I am using to play this game. Could someone add Xbox One to the list of platforms for this? Thank you.
I was just wondering if anyone had a guide or a list of some sorts, explaining exactly which pieces of evidence are picked up in an any% run of this category? I'm interested in running this game and the guide page for this game was empty, so I was just wondering.