Fireb0rn's any% tutorial teaches this greenpath fb skip by the way
A lot of controller players switch to a claw grip for fb skips, where you hold in the direction you want to move with the analog stick, then input the opposite direction (the direction you want to fb) with dpad, fb, and release the dpad all while holding the stick in the direction you're moving. This makes the dpad input override the analog stick only while you are pressing that direction on the dpad, so you remove the time of switching from left to right entirely. In recap, in the case of the latest patch "first" (in any%) fb skip in greenpath:
Hold left on analog stick, jump, continue holding left the entire trick Press right on the dpad and hold Cast your fb(s) while facing right Release the dpad as soon as you make your input for the last fb You should still be holding left on stick, which means you will now turn left again and complete the jump.
I also want to signal boost the above comments - MAKE SURE YOU USE QUICK CAST - check your bindings, there is a quick cast button, you should be using that. Quick cast casts as soon as you press the button, focus/cast only casts when you RELEASE the button.
Lastly, my recommendation is to play on keyboard and install SOCD cleaner for clean movement :)