tópico: Pseudoregalia
GermanyMichaelK1 month ago

There actually were a few runs for All Time Trials that ended once you collected every costume. Both me and killingpepsi did a few runs of it around half a year ago, just never considered putting it on the Leaderboards.

I'll bring it up with everyone and we'll see what people think on it! :)

tópico: Blade Kitten
GermanyMichaelK2 months ago

Well, Luck so has it that I was able to reproduce the effect with a savefile that seems to always get this outcome.

While the setup is very different, the reason for the teleport is the same: Kit is attached to the platform as it resets.

The original version from my memory didn't have the boxes desynced and I just stood on top of them like this:

From testing around a bit a few weeks ago, I assume that I at some point in the level got slightly pushed OOB in a way that I did not hit the Teleport out of it.


Reading over my initial description again, maybe the boxes were desynced, following the platform just a few seconds delayed?

Unsure what causes these desyncs, but for this run I was collecting all treasures and stuff, so very possible that it's related to that?

tópico: Pseudoregalia
GermanyMichaelK3 months ago

Sweater% has been added as a misc category.

tópico: Blade Kitten
GermanyMichaelK3 months ago

It's submitted to LiveSplit, so you can just activated it in there soon. Until then you can get it HERE

It also has a Load Remover, though considering the Leaderboard has been run without that changing it makes no sense now. I tried to figure out how to get the actual Level Timer, but couldn't figure out how the game calculates that.

I only tested it with the Current Patch on Steam with DLC, so feel free to tell me any issues that arrive. Considering there is no discord, feel free to DM me on or reply to this forum thread! I'll try to keep up with stuff reported and see to get things fixed!

tópico: Pseudoregalia
GermanyMichaelK11 months ago

I just brought this up on the discord as part of our general overhaul of the leaderboards from the Map Patch.

Though more as just a "No Out of Bounds" like our other glitch restricted modes. A fully glitchless run will be hard to rule as what people consider a glitch is very subjective.

tópico: Pseudoregalia
GermanyMichaelK11 months ago

Changes and additions to the categories currently are very encoraged to be discussed, espacially on discord where most of the community is.

tópico: Pseudoregalia
GermanyMichaelK11 months ago

Changes and additions to the categories currently are very encoraged to be discussed, espacially on discord where most of the community is.

tópico: Afterimage
GermanyMichaelK1 year ago

If Turbo would be used in Unrestricted, pressing 2 buttons at once will just kill any grounded boss.

This uses the Special Move from Scarlett Reaper, which can be immediately canceled, though having a slower turbo would also allow for Sword and Scythe base attack cancels, all either faster and / or more consistent then a human could reasonably get.

Having a restriction on turbo to at least not be as extreme for attack cancels seems like a base minimum.

tópico: Afterimage
GermanyMichaelK1 year ago

Macro bindings are banned. You may use 3rd party tools to bind multiple buttons to a single action, but you may not bind a single button to multiple actions. Turbos are allowed.

If you mean with that to ban Turbo, I'd agree. Espacially in Unrestricted the use of Turbos would fully remove any resemblence of difficulty.

Though imo button multibinding like currently written is fully fine and just allows the use of more comfortable button configurations for different situations. I'd even personally say to allow just editing the input config file for re- and multibindings while still allowing 3rd party tools. From what I tested with Input config rebindings you still have the same or more restrictions as you'd have with 3rd party tools, e.g.:

  • Need to release the button you pressed to trigger the action (Some 3rd Party tools may allow any button mapped to a button be released to untrigger the button press).
  • Any Keyboard button will still be a keyboard input (Some Controller buttons are better, mainly the Menu Buttons which don't switch menus as keyboard buttons). 3rd Party tools can rebind keyboard to controller and controller to keyboard.
notícias: Afterimage
GermanyMichaelK1 year ago

Can we add a clarification regarding whether "Attack-cancelling with an empty weapon" can be presetup for Unrestricted runs?

For context: The glitch only works with empty weaponslots that previously had a weapon in it, so it doesn't work at all on a fresh game start. This can be either

  • setup as part of the run (Weapon Switch at the Start, unequipping via X on keyboard (no idea for controller button) / equipping 2 of the same weapon type or going into Trial of Soul / other save file as part of the run and setting it up in there) or
  • setup before the run (going into a different save / Trial of soul to load a save with weapons in all slots) Also the glitch automatically resets after getting any ending or playing as 42 (relevant for true ending runs).

I currently am running with: No presetup at all, all methods to start the glitch need to be unlocked and done so as part of the run (e.g. unlocking ToS in the run and equipping any subweapon in there to be able to use both main weapon slots for utility).

Though all my 1.0 runs, my hope run as well as the currently not on the leaderboards bilibili run would go against a rule defined that way.

GermanyMichaelK2 years ago

Well, a new tool just dropped: We now have autosplits, you still need to start the timer yourself, but this now does both load removing and autosplitting when boss HP = 0.

You don't need to use this, but it's an option that I personally find very nice.

Currently the game language needs to be set to english due to how the autosplitter detects which Boss it is.

GermanyMichaelK2 years ago

There is work being done towards making an automatic splitting script, but currently, splits are handled by the individual runners.

The current script only stops the time during loading screens.

For the final split, just try to make sure not to split early so we can see the timer at the time of Nonotas death.

Also feel free to join the discord where the community hangs out:

Shengon curtiram isso
GermanyMichaelK2 years ago

I seperated the game into seperate Categories for PC, Wii and Mobile.

Hope you all keep enjoying the game :D

VyPr curtiram isso
tópico: Blade Kitten
GermanyMichaelK3 years ago

(More a documentation of that this is a thing)

In the Section with the Platforms moving around some boxes, Staying on the last set of boxes as they go into through the Doorway, I got teleported far to the right, were I was basically just before the Climb for to the Level End Cutscene. Still inside a Wall, but I was able to clip out by going up.

Only thing strange I noticed about the time this happened was that there was a 2nd Platform, but without the boxes flying on that path just ahead of the one with boxes.

I sadly wasn't recording at that time, just practicing some Levels in general.

Trying to reproduce it, generally either has me clip up on top or hit a Warp back to in front of the door.

I stood on the boxes like I did in this Image:!Auurp6qqdF68jfdL9EYfqt7UFOPkNg?e=EZ2EBY

GermanyMichaelK3 years ago

While Testing around a bit I encountered a bug, where, when entering the Purple Crystal / Slate Room, the Purple Crystal would destroy itself, the Cutscene Play out and you'd go to the Slate Reachable version on Entry.

In the next playthrough the same happened, though this time, the Red (Cat) Crystal also was already gone.

Confused I searched for the why today and came to the conclusion that it has to do with the save I had loaded beforehand: Some things are seemingly not cleared out when starting a new Game. This includes the Purple and Red Crystals, but also some of the Coins floating around. (I didn't specifically test the red one, I assume though it's for the same reason)

One could prepare a Save, that has the Purple Crystal Destroyed and the Red Crystal not yet touched, to load before a run, and save maybe 15 seconds of walking up to the Purple Crystal and Destroying it.

Question: How would the rulings be for this Glitch?

The Devs will likely pursue fixing the Glitch if the cause is known, as it can prevent progress with the Red Crystal despawning, which would end up in either a Leaderboard Split or the need to downgrade the Game to play at highest Level. I also didn't test everything possible, so there might be further applications that do stuff that I just haven't checked... Though I don't think there is much of significance to be further found.

GermanyMichaelK4 years ago

because SRC doesn't allow you to set a timing method for a category, only for the entire game.

GermanyMichaelK5 years ago

In general, Games on the SNES aren't programmed to handle Up+Down at the same time as the D-Pad on the Controller prevents it from happening (without using force).

In A Link to the Past, a lot of the things in-game break from it. Screen-Transitions beeing a main problem (the game assumes you transition in both directions at once and has no clue what to do, so it does something). In TAS this is used also a lot for movement optimisations not possible easily with a controller.

The Main reason it's banned for all RTA Categories is the inability of using it on a Standard Controller without either Modifications or a lot of force (and possibly damaging the controller).

Osmosis_Jones e asapaska curtiu isso
tópico: Speedrunning
GermanyMichaelK5 years ago

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits A 2.5D Puzzle Platformer originally released for WiiWare. There currently is only me as active Runner. I recently found a bunch of new Skips that cut out a few of the more boring parts. Haven't been able to get them with an otherwise optimised Time. With you beeing able to use the PC Mouse (or other Pointer for the given Platform) to Manipulate Objects and Jump of them multiple times, there's probably a lot more to be found.

tópico: The Site
GermanyMichaelK5 years ago

Hey, I've recently started running NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits, but there don't seem to be any Moderators to contact for that Game.

Because of that, I'd like to request Moderator for

Sobre MichaelK
7 years ago
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