Quite right, it is an intended part of the game mechanics, and when you get the timing down, man does it feel good!
I havent had as much time as I would like to tinker with them, so I am reserving judgement for later, but I would look to any of the present RPGs on speedrun.com. I dont think that different categories will be needed as it could just be treated as a general RPG element, like choosing stats at level up. I think this is a great topic for further discussion, so I will absolutely try and carve out some time to give all 3 of the classes a shot and see if that changes my mind on the subject. I hope you will weigh in on it again after some experimentation. Although, in the couple of times I have played since 1.033, ive left the option off, as well. Quite enough variation as is :D
Ive been looking for Glitches, but haven't found any yet. A few times that I thought things were glitches, (like the Bone Worm Armor ignoring damage every so often) but turned out to be part of the design. But as I look, ill report back.