United KingdomMLSTRM3 years ago

We have decided to add a new variable to the leaderboards for use of FPSFix in PC runs. Due to site limitations this applies to all runs (as in console also), as we can't split it down to only the PC variables. FPSFix enabled runs will be hidden by default from the leaderboards, but can be shown by manually changing the filters selected (there is a site bug where the filters may say they are on "any" when it's not actually doing that) As such, people can continue to run with the FPSFix mod, but the runs will be separated from other non-modded PC runs, and hidden by default.

For now we won't be indicating any kind of separation based on processor type, partly because its impossible to actually verify at the point of submission, and partly because we feel that the important separation here is if the game is adjusted from it's default state (as terribly inconsistent as that is). We have no way of knowing if future versions of the mod would potentially help in the other direction, or if in the future some other processor type comes in, or if there are other variances in performance with the mod that we don't know about yet. We would encourage people to include their processor type in the comments if you want to track it that way.

At the end of the day, leaderboards have to be trusted, and we feel that leaving modded runs for intel processors in with unmodded runs potentially erodes that trust, given that we went a year without realising the issue already.

We would encourage people to run without the mod if possible, as it will result in your run being more futureproof from further potential changes in this area.

Also to help with the moderation team's management of this, we would request that people go back and edit their run submissions accordingly to add the modded variable where required. We will be doing a pass to verify and add to any missing runs we know about, but it's a years worth of times for us to sift through which will take some time to correct fully.

If you did not run with the FPSFix mod, you don't need to take any further action at the current time.

EDIT: corrected post to state variable instead of subcategory, as the issue around that has been resolved

Remy_rm curtiram isso
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

Seems like someone else is looking to run this - cool!

Outside of Any% I would like suggest that we consider at least All Bosses (Self-explanatory), and possibly 100% if a sensible definition can be reached (presumably this should be all weapons, cats, quests, upgrades - but verifying they've been done isn't so simple, cats especially).

It already seems to me like Any% is going to be less than 40 minutes, and its not a long game in general so I can see people going for the extended categories (I want to do at least one shot at all bosses once I record an any% run)

Racoonix curtiram isso
United KingdomMLSTRM4 years ago

We will be allowing the FPSFix mod for PC runs, with the additional caveat that you must also show an FPS counter on stream to aid in the verification process. A guide will be provided in the near future to aid with setup if you wish to use the mod in your runs. The rules for using the mod are that the frame limiter/pacer may not be set above 60fps, and that no other modifications to the game binaries are allowed at the current time. (The rules on the game page will be adjusted soon)

At the same time, we would like to gauge opinion on enforcing the use of an FPS counter for all PC runs, not just ones performed with the mod. Again this is to aid in the verification process, as well as remove the need for us to necessarily track modded runs separately, and give more confidence in the legitimacy of the runs to anyone who cares to look for it. At current we would like to move forward with this after a small adjustment period to allow for people to find a counter that works for them. Again, a guide will be provided in the near future to aid with setup.

Please leave any comments or questions you may have a response to this forum post for ease of tracking the conversation. Alternatively please join the discord to discuss this - but we would prefer for people's final stances to be recorded somewhere for easier reference later.

United KingdomMLSTRM6 years ago

Hi All, Just to let you know of a few changes that have taken place for this game.

First of all, the timing rules have been altered to start on difficulty selection, and end on last enemy hit in the credits. The 3:45 timer offset allowance has been removed.

Secondly, Switch has been added as a platform (Or rather, this was done on the day the port was released), however for now Amiibo is banned. There is a possibility for adding it as a separate category in the future, however I think we're already pretty divided up for this game so we'll see if any interest comes of it before adding anything.

Third, Characters are now Sub-categories for each of the runs, and 1st Climax has been added, so we now cover every difficulty and character individually.

Last I'd like to welcome Worsel5 on as a new moderator, as the community for this game has really picked up recently so we feel we needed someone else in to give us a hand.

If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to message one of us privately, post on the forums, or join the discord for speedrunning this game (You can find a link in another thread on the forum)

Happy Angel Hunting!

Worsel5 curtiram isso
United KingdomMLSTRM7 years ago

Hey guys, it's that time again! The 4th FF Series Relay Race is now in planning, and sign-ups are now open. You can sign up for the event and join the discord server here: http://bombch.us/Ceb9

Feel free to use this thread to discuss the event or ask any questions

United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hey guys, just an update to let you all know that me and Deln have been added as series moderators. As outlined in the suggestion thread, the purpose for this is not for us to control the games in the series, but just to maintain the series page and generally keep the quality of our part of the site as high as we can.

As you will have also noticed a new White theme has been introduced, to compliment the use of logos as the game images in the series.

We'd also like to introduce some guidelines for people adding new games to the series, more for consistency reasons and ease of browsing than for any other purposes. First up is that the url for the game be just the game's initials/numbers, any ambiguous cases should be handled by what people commonly refer to them by. For example: Final Fantasy 12->ff12, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles->ffcc. The other thing is that the boxart for the game be set to the game's Logo, as opposed to the box art where it exists, or something similar if it does not, as long as the game is recognisable from the image for people of any region without too much trouble.

Hopefully everyone can be happy with these changes, and if you have any comments or questions about anything mentioned in this thread or just in general about the series, feel free to contact me or Deln Directly, or to post them in this thread.

Cereth e Deln curtiu isso
United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hello everyone, As some of you may already know, there has been discussion in the FF Speedruns Discord (people should join this if they haven't already btw, https://discordapp.com/invite/0tjIC3eQA7VqjACE ) about adding a couple of moderators to the series page.

This wouldn't be to moderate all of the games in the series, but rather to fulfil a specific set of roles outlined as follows:

  1. Maintaining the theme and overall look of the series page, this includes reaching out to individual game moderators to help make changes to boxarts, URLs and game titles to keep everything consistent.
  2. Moderating the series forum. Right now this isn't a huge issue, but it will allow certain threads to be stickied if needed, and also prevents any issues in the future.
  3. Act as mediators for any disputes between site users/game moderators, or between game moderators if an issue comes up that cannot be resolved internally. (e.g. a certain user's runs not being verified, arguments about how to maintain the leaderboards, or any other issues).

Based on the discussion in the Discord, the people nominated for this role were myself (MLSTRM) and Deln.

If you agree with this setup and would like to see it go ahead then please like this post. If you have any issues or concerns, or just want to discuss any part of this proposal feel free to post in this thread and we can work things out.

At the end of the day, the people chosen need to be selected by the community and be accountable to them. We're not looking to make major changes to how everyone runs their own boards, just make sure that the series as a whole is well maintained.

KRob16, beemarie89 e 12 outros curtiu isso
United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hi, I'm posting here to ask if it's possible to have a couple of changes made to bring this game's page more in line with the rest of the series? The first is changing the page url from "Dissidia_Duodecim_Prologus_Final_Fantasy" to "ddpff" The second is changing the boxart/logo image to have a white background, to make it a bit more consistent with the others and to make the actual image stand out a bit more. By having every game in the series be consistent in this way it makes the series page look more coherent, and it makes it easier for people to find a specific game they're looking for, and the urls follow a consistent pattern. Thanks, MLSTRM

United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hi, I'm posting here to ask if it's possible to have the boxart image changed to bring this game's page more in line with the rest of the series? The idea is changing the box art on the game to just the game's logo, for example this image: http://imgur.com/dkyqxCE By having every game in the series be consistent in this way it makes the series page look more coherent, and it makes it easier for people to find a specific game they're looking for, since the logos are more recognisable and readable than box arts in many cases. MLSTRM

RetroLotti curtiram isso
United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hi, I'm posting here to ask if it's possible to have the boxart image changed to bring this game's page more in line with the rest of the series? The idea is changing the box art on the game to the game's logo, for example this image: http://imgur.com/4B18CA8 By having every game in the series be consistent in this way it makes the series page look more coherent, and it makes it easier for people to find a specific game they're looking for, since the logos are more recognisable and readable than box arts in many cases. MLSTRM

United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hi, I'm posting here to ask if it's possible to have a couple of changes made to bring this game's page more in line with the rest of the series? The first is changing the page url from "Final_Fantasy_X-2" to "ffx-2" The second is changing the box art on the game to the game's logo, for example this image: http://imgur.com/9QE8cfP By having every game in the series be consistent in this way it makes the series page look more coherent, and it makes it easier for people to find a specific game they're looking for, since the logos are more recognisable and readable than box arts in many cases, and the urls follow a consistent pattern. Thanks, MLSTRM

Deln curtiram isso
United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

So with the new PC release, I'm requesting that we get a separate category for PC runs, and once the game is a little more stable, move onto using a loadless timer, since loading times are not only way faster on PC, but inconsistent, so removing them seems to be the best way to go.

Obviously feel free to debate this if you have any other opinion.

United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hey, Is it possible to create a marathon subforum for a speedrunning event that isn't really a marathon, but goes along similar lines? If so who should I contact about the request?

United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

So this is something we've been doing for a while, but recently we've been having more people post times without video proof, and so we'd like to be clearer on how we're currently managing this.

At the moment, we will investigate a time further if you do not have a video and your time is: Under 3:00 in Any% (Mario) Under 2:55 in Any% (Luigi) Under 6:30 in 120 Stars Under 13:30 in 242 Stars

If your run fits in these categories then we will look for other evidence for you run, such as splits and evidence of past runs/broadcasts. If you have even a partial vod for your run, or it was streamed somewhere but for some reason the vod is corrupted, please let us know in the submission so that we can obtain more evidence.

Unfortunately, without any proof we will not be accepting runs below these times. If you cannot use a capture card, consider recording your video with just a webcam pointed at your screen, or a phone camera or similar. The quality isn't too important so long as we can see video evidence for the majority of your run. Also bear in mind higher scrutiny will be placed on people who improve in large jumps without video evidence, and those who obtain new PBs often in a short period of time, so please do try and find a way to start recording your runs if you currently don't.

NOTE: These times were updated on Feb. 5th 2017 - Threshold for needing a video has been lowered for 120 and 242 stars.

Jaydenix, ariapath e 13 outros curtiu isso
United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago


As you may have noticed in the last couple of weeks, the majority of Final Fantasy games have moved over to speedrun.com for leaderboard purposes, and I was wondering what your thoughts on including the Tactics games into that set are? Everything in terms of moderation would be left as is, and the games would just move into the FF series so that everything is in one place. I understand if that's not something you want to do, I just think it's worth considering so that we can have all of the FF games in a single place, to make it easier for people to find and browse them within the site, as well as only having to link one page for people to find all of the FF runs, instead of having to note that the FFT games are on a separate section.


United KingdomMLSTRM8 years ago

Hey guys, so it's been a while since the first couple of games were added here, and since then the number of represented titles has increased significantly. While the individual game pages seem to be ticking along fine (I haven't heard of any issues from anyone), I'd like to address the state of the series page as it is currently. There are 2 things I'd like to bring up and get feedback on people from.

The first is switching all game icons over from boxart/original logos (1,2,7,8,9,etc.) to the game's "Iconic FF Style" logo (12,13,4,4AY,etc.). I personally think that the latter type are much clearer to find a game you're looking for, easier to read and understand, and also removes the implication that a certain platform is the only version represented by the boxart (e.g. ff7/8 have a PS1 image and PC runs, FFX has a PS2 image but PS3/4 runs).

The second is somehow getting a theme for the series page. While at the moment there are no series moderators, and it's not really an issue, I think that we should get some suggestions for a theme from anyone who wants to make one, and we can decide as a community which one we like best, and then contact the site mods to get it in place.

I'd like to hear your feedback on both of these points, and also like to thank everyone who'd put time into making a leaderboard on this site for their game and bringing over the runs. I appreciate how tedious it can be to convert a leaderboard over.

United KingdomMLSTRM9 years ago

For now, I've moved the empty categories into misc, feel free to use this area for planning new runs/relays, but leave them in misc until they have at least one run in them, else its just cluttering the leaderboards with empty pages.

9 years ago
5 days ago
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