CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

I have learned the entire run on Genesis but I notice few runner are using the original Genesis. Are PC, Emu, or WiiVC faster to run on instead? I.E. do those versions run faster/lag less? or is the difference between platforms insignificant?

Also would running on the Atgames Classic Genesis or Atgames Genesis Flashback be allowed, since they are official consoles both known to run at a slightly faster clock speeds than the original? However I would certainly understand if the answer to that were no.

CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

Do both players have to be present for the run?

CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

Since there isn't any rules defined, I have to ask are we required to run on a computer/emulator with the traditional 4.77 MHz CPU like with most DOS games or can it be run on a computer/emulator with something absurd like 1GHz? Does it even make a difference in this particular game?

CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

Is this leaderboard meant to include all 3 of the mobile game, portable game, and PC/home console game, as the list of platforms seems to imply? If so, are all current categories meant to be able to be run on any of the 3 games, as the rules as written would allow? This seem unlikely, as it really wouldn't make much sense, and I would expect to see mostly IOS runs on the ASM leaderboards in that case, so it seems probable than you intend for this leaderboard, or at the very least it's existing categories to only be for the PC/home console game, but I think some clarification in the rules, or the removal of some platforms from the platform list would help with the confusion.

WiiSuper curtiram isso
CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

I've recently been considering dividing the categories into All Glitches, No Overflow Glitches, and Glitchless; instead of the current divisions of Glitches and Glitchless. I want to know how others feel about this idea. I'll start by explaining why I'm having reservations about making this change, & that is that it seems like a strangely arbitrary distinction, and that a no No Overflow Glitches sub cat doesnt need to exist. The reason however I think it might be good, is simply that with the current categories there is no route that will ever use a glitch that isn't Overflow/ACE because you can end essentially any route with them immediately. I feel like a lot of fun and creativity could come from routes that actually get to use other glitches, but as it currently stand I have no reason to try making any such routes. I'm interested in knowing everyone's opinions on this, and feel free to give feedback on anything about our categorization in general.

chrixiam1998 curtiram isso
CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

General LotR speedrunning Discord: https://discord.gg/kCCW4fQ

LotR speedrunning Discord for games that came out before the movies: https://discord.gg/urMJXue

CanadaMD_Pi6 years ago

As of me writing every computer this game was released for is a different category. I don't intend to keep it this way, & eventually many of these categories will be combined.

The reason I have made this choice in the first place is because I know you can be playing completely different games depending on what computer you play on. Compare the ZX version to the DOS version for example and you would see they are so different they probably could have different pages entirley. I just don't want to submit seperate pages.

I haven't yet put in the time to play the game on every computer to see what ones can and can't reasonably be considered the same game. Once I have categories will change accordingly, because yes, I agree the current arrangement is kinda dumb. It's just for my convenience.

CanadaMD_Pi7 years ago

I made a discord for the Tolkien Software Adventure games a while back, and recently decided I would expand it to include all 11 of the games made prior to the live action movies. It's still only a few people but you're welcome to join if you'd like: https://discord.gg/yhQ3PXT

CanadaMD_Pi7 years ago

I have noticed that the rules state that one must "enter a swag name". Can someone clarify what qualifies?

CanadaMD_Pi7 years ago

Would a run done using a Sega Genesis Classic count as emulated or as a console run?

Sobre MD_Pi
8 years ago
5 days ago
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The Hobbit
The Hobbit
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