Some NPCs might require their Divine Beast be complete, but definitely not all of them. The Goron certainly doesn't require it. So this might be something like some dungeons + TT + no Ganon.
Attempts at using a USB-C to HDMI cable haven't yielded any fruitful results thus far. Plus you need to supply power to the unit at the same time. The power part actually works, but not with the unit also providing A/V through the HDMI cable.
I agree with JHobz: there might be an optimal order by a few seconds, but a runner might choose to start with the character they're weakest with so they can get the hardest part of the run out of the way, even if the order isn't absolutely optimal.
No restart, any order, final hit.
I noticed that there seems to be a very tight (maybe frame perfect?) trick where if you hit the top of one of the crab shells just right, you are damage-boosted to the other side of the enemy. Has anyone figured out how to hit this consistently? I just hit it randomly on occasion while jumping over a crab.