NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

There aren't enough verifiers, and the mod team is aware of this, they are still very much looking for new people to help. Application forms are in the discord.

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

This doesn't change the autosplitter in livesplit, it's a glitch that changes the "time played" statistic itself as stored in the world files

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

According to Krystl in the SSG 1.16+ discord, if you dont do anything intentional to trigger things like this, it will not count as a glitch. But if you do something to trigger it, yeah, then that's a glitch

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

yeah its allowed including using the spreadsheet (but no calculators)

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

I don't know anything about this launcher, I'd suggest opening a ticket in the #help channel in the minecraft java speedrunning discord, and explain what the launcher is. The verifier/mod team can then make a decision about it

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

thats not how it works. you need to generate a new world and do it on there and record everything

TrenttheN642, LeafpoolSR e 2 outros curtiu isso
NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

there isn't an official chinese minecraft speedrunning discord intended to represent the minecraft community, because is an english website

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

There is also a bastion practice map by ItzToxic!


Explanation video:

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

it has to be one continuous video but you can pause and go to sleep, that will count towards real time but not towards in-game time

antonng03 curtiram isso
NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

I think it also attacks drowned

ScrambledMC e Fel_mc curtiu isso
NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

category splits are meant for if there are new strats in a later version of the game. for any% runs, splitting 1.17 wouldn't make sense

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

:tf: we do a little trolling

Merl_ e EllaTAS curtiu isso
NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

In the forum post, April says "It is publicly editable, so you can put your own runs up and add categories and such without needing to go through an SRC moderator."

I also have read-only access and have to request edit access - but I remember being able to edit it a few months ago. I'll create a ticket in the discord

NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

Yeah you can't rebind it in game, but according to the rules:

You may remap keys using external programs, but

Each game input may have only one key, and each key may cause only one game input
Inputs must be buttons - no scrolling the scroll-wheel or similar

So yes, you can remap f3 to your mouse button, but you're not allowed to remap F3 + esc or things like that to one button.

PoisonousSkely e Owfi curtiu isso
NetherlandsKoos13 years ago

Re-creating worlds is not allowed because it copies datapacks and gamerules. You can use a macro, there are some links in the discord

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