tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Responding to Clairevoyance: If I was trying to get banned, I would do everything you accuse me of: be petty, hostile, "angry"(elaborate please??). Yet I somehow still keep it respectful, for no apparent reason?

Clarifying "throwaway comments" mentioned in the previous message of yours' - do you mean the "This youtuber is extremely xyz" message? If that is a THROWAWAY comment then I am 100% wrong about what I typed in the discord, if I follow the internet definition of this term correctly (from collins dictionary).

I am not kidding - I fully agree that the offence you put forward is bannable if you - as a community - call the quote above a "throwaway" comment.

Thank you for your time to give me a feedback, I've heard that you are all in a hurry lately because of some actual troll harassing people, so I appreciate it.

Responding to RealCreative - I agree it is a privilege to be on the discord server. Yet the rules of are also stated, one of them being this:

Discord Servers associated with game pages are expected to follow code of conduct. Hate speech and harassment will not be tolerated and may lead to on-site bans.

I call "this person is xyz" a hate speech in 99% of the cases where "xyz" has to do with race/sex/religion.

The fragment you provided was very much a definition of a throwaway comment ("[...] I love the world we live in"), yet it is misunderstood extensively in mutliple messages of the commenters, just like I was misunderstood live when I typed these words "last words" - I was refering to what the term is (how broad it's range of effect is), when it looks like a word that could only be used when someone uses slurs towards individual of this group or the movement as a whole.

I never extensively entertained the semantics on this term (xyz) that you accuse me of - I just asked why would one call another person like that? I kept it respectful at other places, but the message you provided (I agree) is certainly my worst input, YET I don't see it on the level of "ban him for life, shoot his dog and bury them in the desert". That last part is probably a throwaway comment.

Needlessly prolonging argument - I think I did not do that. The "argument" was well and fine after I was timed out, people talked over each other sometimes (like the situation when I was typing my "throwaway" comment).

My english communications skills are good enough to work in this language without offending my friends of different race or religion, so I feel pretty confident about it, even if my responses are that long. I make sure I am not in wrong there, as I was already accused of using wrong words - that's how adults work it out. If I was insensitive in writing about "xyz", then how do you call an untriggered accusation of "xyz" that was made under the Portal video about its creator?

Posing my final question: How is that behavior (banning, where I am not able to respond on a same level, squelched) helping xyz community get a better treatment? How am I able to "not offend" someone in the future? These are both rethorical (and unconnected to the offence) questions I believe, for you to think on. Have a nice time running Portal <3

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

I DM'd a mod right when the situation was taking place - there was no response, sadly, as I kept it respectful. So it could not be resolved anymore when I got banned from the server. Anyway, I'd like an official doubling-down on what Alex had put in this same conversation ( a few messages above, as it looks like a group-prepared response to me, just like clairevoyance's input earlier in this thread. The "reasons" provided I take with "a fly in the ointment" (I googled the idiom translated from polish, could be wrong), as I am concerned it is not a honest answer, just a hoaxed one to fit the problem - mentioning points 1&3 is like the most effortless answer they could provide, that technically CANNOT be overturned, as the rule says "it is reserved to the mods to deem any message or behavior as breaking this rule AND I KNOW IT FULL WELL, yet I try to get back on the server, and the moderation rules on sr.c clearly say that moderators have to treat all users impartial - I was certainly treated demonstrably impartial, if that's even a sentence in english.

You all seem to fail to see my point of view, even if I state it many times with reasons and obvious doubts to the level of respect in treatment I have received back. I hope that some day you will learn to be a human being - your super cool xyz mod calling me "girl" (when it's clearly not the case) is not your regular answer, when the same person makes accusations of XYZPHOBIA publicly. Ultimately, it is not about the phobia, it is about speedrunning and I never crossed any line with the community, as "said moderator" got to her personal attack on me - she could cut the conversation in the middle of it and call it a day, when it went too far for her, but her now calling me a GIRL (when I am definitely MALE) is your definition of a mockery, or a court case, in case the receiver of the message is trans? LOL call that transphobia or whatever.......

Reiterating - I did not do the mockery of it, but she can - no problems here. I was not answered properly, the situation (was) is being mishandled greatly, the damage is already irreversible - I can't talk people into liking me, but I am sure I didn't lose much, just a close circle of that mod, who indiscriminately follow what she narrates. If it happens to be a combined answer of the mods, then we surely have nothing left to do there and I respectfully walk away. All you (mods) would have to do is read ~10 discord messages that can be tracked with one good search prompt, to get to know the situation and handle it (again, reclaiming: I did DM a moderator when the situation was taking place!!!!). I believe I am being misrepresented and mistreated, badly, as I claimed before I would not accept that kind of treatment IRL and I doubt any of you would.

I already DM'd you before, but I want a resolution publicly now, as I was painted black publicly and refused the chance to clarify at all - whoever sees that can make their own mind if I am right or not, I wouldn't expect any real person in admin/mod space to follow up with the same claims as "said mod", when they read the stuff. If it wouldn't happen, why would I stay there with people that don't want me there (and there are STRONG reasons these people think that, no?)? That's why I am awaiting your response, and try not to use "crazy crazy" when responding in sensitive topics - I am sure that "argument" wouldn't be well received in minority spaces like trans (and it certainly is one of the sides of the conflict), yet I don't hold grudges on such small pieces of text (I probably don't understand it deeply enough, that's why it's a great mockery of me, or as one would say "I am too stupid to realise, if I don't abuse my power" xD).

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

I won't entertain a conversation with you on the rules, when you clearly did not read the moderation rules. You misinterpreted a lot more, I assure you of that.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

You are being delusional right now - the last 3 messages are: You ask why I claim xyz I respond by saying: you did not claim xyz You respond back with "PERHAPS THIS WAS NOT WHAT YOU MEANT" xDDDD

The fact that YOU are the one answering me is a proof that Sarah doesn't really want to take any accountability for her actions, she is just sending people to harass me for her or misinterpret me publicly. Which doesn't matter to me, I only want an access to the public discord's information that the community is collecting for years - it is not a decision of one mad individual to say who will have access to it, when I clearly did not break the rules (you would have provided me a gazillion of screenshots by now if you were right).

How do I take your claim seriously "and that plus her deeming you hostile is really her argument to ban you" from a regular user of this site?

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago
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tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Thank you kid Alex. I never claimed you did - you answer something you created yourself, again, that's a common issue with people answering me on this case. You spin it to somewhere else instead of really understanding something.

Check the screenshot you provided. Sarah claims I was IMMEDIATELY hostile, there are surely discord messages proving that I am wrong, no? And you are the one who is defending her instead of letting the real authorities handle the job - you are adding to the issue.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago
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tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

I'm not sure what my obsession is, kid. You are a mental kid to me, just like others who are really mad in the situation, you could be 50 years old with a mental age of a 3yo and live your life through not knowing.

Show me the hostility in my discord messages, kid.

DysseAlex curtiram isso
tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Thank you for your answer, kid Alex. If there is another admin to double down on this (not just circle of admiration of Sarah) then I would gladly call you names and go my own way, forever. Mr "angryness" farmer.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Insane, how do you spin that on me:

  1. Who made me mad on what? How do you coin that phrase? How do you come to the reasoning of me being "mad"? How hard would it be to extract this "pure madness" from my comments on the mentioned platforms? And lastly - what difference would it make(knowing that I was mad, with reason XYZ) to the fact, that I want an access to the public discord where I also contributed?

  2. Who is petty one here??? LITERALLY read my messages in the discord, I am respectful all throughout, and I am not going for her personally, only saying who is responsible for the reaction.

  3. I act condescending towards mods? - Bring me proof for these words, too.

  4. How do I spam forums, when I have like 3 messages, ever? It would end at one, if it was adressed, but it was just deleted without warning.

Once again, I reiterate - I did not break any rules and I got punished. Asking for reasons (RESPECTFULLY - ASK HER FOR THE MESSAGES, SO I CAN'T FABRICATE IT?) got me banned again, even if the whole experience originated from comments made by a mod.

I am not seeking to bury the mod (even tho my actions might suggest that, I just KNOW that it is a possibility, IDC what happens to her), I was stating from the start that I seek reinstating into discord, as it is a public space for speedrunners of this game and NOT anyones personal ground for revenge/power trips.

Lastly, there is a lot of bad words said from you that again misrepresent me, and I do not attack you, nor will I until I know it's a true bad intent. Some of the points you made don't even make sence in overall description of the situation - like, you state nothing with them, even if they are true. You definitely could provide the proof for all these words from the discord messages, right? I can prove that my messages were not malicious, there are not too many to analise, but you claim they are not, so probably there are WAY more examples of my wrongdoing which could be provided to me, yet for some reason we are not entertaining this possibility.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Thank you for your answer.

Let me clarify, then. I already reached out to the source before (with no answer). I didn't have a chance to clarify my words if they were misinterpreted by anyone. I would never escalate such a thing to a public forum/discord if it was handled properly - I can take a ban/timeout on the chest when it is reasonable, but in this case I personally don't see the reason. Multiple attempts to literally shut me up were done, STILL without providing a reason.

This is a recreational space for speedrunning, if the individual wanted some topic out of the window - it could be: If you have a nice day - just suggest there is an issue. Other than that: First - ask to stop(or lessen the heat on) the conversation. Second - warn the user, MAKE SURE they know the reason, otherwise it's unjustified no matter how good of a reason you had. Maybe give a small timeout to moderate the conversation (in my case - I got a unwarned unreasoned 24h ban on everything in regards to the discord server) Third - probably just ban if the bad intent is proven.

If you can bring me a reason why I am being publicly mocked by the community here (which arises from someone's politicking) and not being answered in DM's, that would be awesome. Literally my messages since posting the PORTAL video on #general and getting soft-attacked by one of the admins with her "xyzphobic" claims (which were also a misrepresentation of someone else in the eyes of a community she moderates) could be juxtaposed easily and we can surely get to know if it was handled correctly, no?

I do not have the option to fight on equal terms - You have the chance to see the whole message history (ofc you can't verify that I DM'd the admin, you have to trust me on that one), it is publicly visible for you to audit. Well, I could technically create a new account for discord and sneak in, being forever hidden from the sights and just use it to get out what information I want. But I am a real person, and being treated like that publicly must have a public apology, I can understand that moderation rules ask for moderators to be at least 16 years old, but I don't expect childish behavior from the overall admin group no matter the age (I was pretty dumb sometimes as a 16yo kid myself, so I can put myself in that pair of shoes, and I know a lot of really smart kids).

Surprise me.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

Hello again, Yesterday I posted a question/thread on this forums, in regards to the discord situation that took place. The post was deleted without warning or reason.

I never got to claim my points and I am just banned. If you feel it is justifiable, provide reasons to why you act hateful towards me, that's how it would be carried out in the REAL community forum/discord. I never understood the origin of this hate. You only attack me and take away every mean of fighting back, so that only your narrative is presented.

Thank you sawwah, very cool.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago
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tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

I cannot find the tool that allows me to TAS portal. When trying to join the discord to check pinned in #tas channel, I got a strange error with no possible explaination, text along the lines of "Whoops! Something went wrong...". Hopefully someone can get the stuff working, idk if that's issues on Discord's side or just from the server, but provide a reason or workaround.

tópico: Portal
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

In case you are using livesplit: Right-click on the livesplit window -> Compare against -> Select the last option ("Game Time"). Without changing the global comparison theme: Right-click on the livesplit window -> Select "Edit layout". Double left-click on Timer (or Detailed Timer). From the Timing Method selection box, choose "Game Time".

Vronwa curtiram isso
Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago

That might be it (skill issue), but I saw there are moderation rules on They can be enforced even on some mad kids, when they can't talk it out.

"Moderators must remain impartial in their treatment of community members." "Users moderating games will be held to a higher standard of behavior than normal users for on-site and off-site conduct. If controversy and drama arises frequently from a user's conduct, site staff may remove the user from moderation."

Feel free to get to know the rules. I don't come to a community to bring bad feelings, I came to share a video with Portal lovers. What I got in return is mistreatment of me, a mistreatment of popular person I know, followed by banning from a recreational community. The rules also say that nobody owns the game. You can't outright ban someone because you feel like it, kids.

Śląskie, PolandKoksu8004 months ago
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