tópico: Pac-Man
United StatesJustice4PacManRoku3 months ago

noice, currently not at my home rn but id be happy to do it when i get home

DoritoBreath curtiram isso
tópico: Pac-Man
United StatesJustice4PacManRoku4 months ago

And they're on the list.

tópico: Pac-Man
United StatesJustice4PacManRoku4 months ago

Yeah but the iOS and Android version have the same issue.

tópico: Pac-Man
United StatesJustice4PacManRoku4 months ago

I checked the 52 other platforms and yet no Roku version. I don't see why not, its not like 2600 where it's pretty different from the other versions, its Pac-Man alright, just with more pixels and ads.

Sobre Justice4PacManRoku
4 months ago
25 days ago