Indiana, USAJud2 years ago

Yes, but there is a newer thing called GCUSB (GameCube USB) there isnt a category for this on and probably never will. So if you want to submit a gamecube or ps2 run they have to be the disc version.

Indiana, USAJud2 years ago

Does anyone have a list of all the splits in order if I were to "check all" on the auto splitter? I'm trying to make splits and want to have all of the splits available. It seems that the auto splitter doesn't have them in order in which they occur in the game.


Indiana, USAJud4 years ago

How do I get the inventory to show under splits?

Indiana, USAJud4 years ago

Well I'm not a splicer so looks like ill have to find a better way to look at the medallions, thanks for the responses!

Indiana, USAJud4 years ago

Is there anyway a few seconds over 2 minutes would be accepted? I use my elgato to scroll back and see what my medallion rotations are. Sometimes its really hard to see what they are because my elgato just for some reason won't pause on them and i have to keep trying to look at them

MattRPD curtiram isso
Indiana, USAJud4 years ago

Thanks for the photo for the A scenario, would you happen to have the B side as well? @vinev

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the help folks

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Is there something Im missing? It seems that my circles take longer than other peoples ive saw to fill up in the Ada furnace section. I can gave a clip of side by side comparisons if that would help, thanks!

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

PS I am using an elgato and using the timer to scroll back and see what they the 3 solutions were and its just not working im in the pause menu for 5 min each puzzle to try and pause it at the right time

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

So im a NG+ runner back after a 6 month break and wow have things changed. Im looking for input on the best source for medallion turns and the best way to go back and see your 3 puzzle soultions to solve.

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Yes, I have experienced these weird game freezes on console. It was not an internet issue it happens on both twitch and youtube version. It was a direct game freeze. If its an issue I understand, just dont want to have a beast of a run and the game freeze and it doesn't count.

The Leon B run I had where it cut in a certain part due to bandwidth issues on stream you can see where it froze then jumped to a whole other place. With this though you can tell it was a direct game freeze such as you seeing it freeze then continues where it left off, and you can also hear the game audio freeze and cut out as well. It also more than likely cost me time as well.

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Ok @CursedToast it has been resubmitted, thanks.

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

@CursedToast I will be sure to let you know probably within the next half hour or so, thanks!

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Ok I got it. Whenever I stream a run and its a good time, I export it to Youtube from Twitch. Must have dropped bandwith in that time somewhere on the stream. There is no cut on that section on the straight Elgato recording. Its always good to do that so you have a backup in case something like this happens, so ill upload the elgato recording and resubmit, thanks for the people pointing that out. -Jud

MyztklKev, seepinglight e 5 outros curtiu isso
Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Yeah this was my run. Not really sure what has caused this. It’s even weirder that it happened even on the Twitch Vod. I have a hard recording of it so I’ll see if it cuts there too

zgl curtiram isso
Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Thought I would share this because I don't think a lot of people know about it. This can be used on Claire A for either NG or NG+ . Credit goes to a player named "Shy" I don't think they're a runner but they found this and shared it with a few people.


Pat_Stats, WitchRain e 3 outros curtiu isso
Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Yes, thats happened to me many times, but nice glad you got it!

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Are you on Leon or Claire? If you're on Claire there is a specific time to do it you cant just go and fire the rocket like you can with Leon. You have to shoot and wait about a full 2 seconds to do it with Claire. I found the skip (playing as Leon) and it is pretty difficult with Claire, it took me a few trys to get it down with her.

Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

I am studying the route for Claire A NG+ and as I was watching the record run I noticed something weird. Im not accusing the person for cheating it could be just something weird the game capture did but thought I'd point this out and see what others have to say.

20:05 28:42 (as well) As you see on the Sherry puzzles as soon as they put in the cube all of a sudden the whole puzzle changes and seems to "cut"

tdans e SephJul curtiu isso
Indiana, USAJud5 years ago

Any other tips or tricks since there is no disable intel graphics... only nvidia gtx1060 3gb?

Sobre Jud
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