California, USAItsVixx6 years ago

To preface, I’m rather new at speedrunning, so I chose to do the all dungeons run to enjoy the game. I’m sure most of you know, but about 45 minutes in there’s a superswim from the back of Dragon Roost to Greatfish for early bombs. I’m more than capable of doing the superswim, and tend to get it on my first go. Once I clear the cutscene, I opt out of doing the Greatfish superswim since it’s a rather difficult endeavor. The guide I was following said to hop into KoRL and he’ll take you to Windfall, which happened for the first few times I ran the game. But now, when I get to Greatfish, the game won’t allow me to hop in the boat, and I need to drown in order to get into him. The fact that this loses time isn’t the only issue; he appears behind the island and proceeds to sail into it, getting himself stuck, and because you can’t do anything this effectively soft locks the game. I’d appreciate any help, because this is an incredibly annoying problem and I can’t really run the game, even a rough run, with it. Thanks!

Sobre ItsVixx
6 years ago
6 years ago