British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa1 month ago
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British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa7 years ago

Hey guys! Kasa here, and I am planning the next KH marathon!

Wanna be a part of the magic? Then hope right into this sign-up sheet and get your name out there!

I am looking forward to working with people, new and old to the community and working towards showing more people the awesome nature of the communities hard work in creating these speedruns.

Also, as a note- for those who don't want to run, there are multiple other roles your can fulfill for the marathon as well, and it'd be extremely appreciated. Such as Moderation, Donation reading, or even helping us out by supplying small prizes for donation incentives.

The plan this time is to raise money for a charity of our choosing, (Which will be chosen soon.) while also showcasing the wonderful talent we have sitting in this very community. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then please do sign-up and make this marathon memorable.

British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa7 years ago

I agree with you, Lifion. Proper repercussions need to be taken.

Lifion curtiram isso
British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa7 years ago

After today, the Kingdom Hearts Speedrunning community has lost a very valuable member in it's moderation. the cause?


We as a community are the reason we lost a very integral person. The lack of respect. The blatant hate. the miscommunication. All of these factors have led to this, and we only have ourselves to blame. I have made a few mistakes myself, and have found myself on the wrong side of the spectrum at times, but time after time- I realize my mistakes and do my best to correct them.

That much can't be said for a lot of people in this community. I've seen people bashing the moderators- calling them out for reasons that are beyond asinine, and overall treating them like machines rather than the humans that actually are.

These leaders works hard for us. They've done so much to give us a place to compile our information, and have it be safe- and they do the best god damn job they can to keep on top of it as well. The fact that people complain that it's not instant is insane- how can you expect people to be aware of submissions 24/7- it's impossible and ludicrous to ask that of them.

We need to show respect for these people- we need to grow as a community and remember that this is something they do out of the love for us- the community, and the games we play. I'm not saying you have to like them- because some of you have obvious dislikes for one another- but to understand each other, and treat this responsibly, because if not- I don't see us lasting much longer.. at least not in a good light anyways.

Here is a list of thing I feel could be done to better our situation- and help keep things smooth.

First, If a problem with the leaderboard is present- contact a member for the moderation. Even if you don't like some of the moderators- that doesn't matter. They are impartial moderators and will listen so long as you display yourself respectfully.

Second, when interacting with people in a public light- show some restraint. Don't be on a witch hunt where all eyes are present, because it causes undue stress for new and old people in the community, and pushes people away.

Third, You don't have to like everyone in the community- that's impossible because people are people. We are different for a reason. But, there's no reason to talk crap about them to others who have had no interaction with this person, and cause them to be ostracized. (This has happened by the way. I've seen it first hand.)

and Fourth, treat everyone with the proper respect you yourself would want in return. If you're out for blood, and want something changed- chances are that it's not going to happen and cause a backlash. Think before you act. It's a simple request and not hard to learn.

I want to see this community thrive. I want people to talk about us in a good light- because as it is, we're still that, "Drama Community," that others label us as. It's really depressing to see other communities make note of our problems as, "Another day in the KH Community." That's toxic to us- and needs to be mended.

I'm sorry for the long post- but this needed to be said, especially after today.

AtomValorBlack, BranToast75 e 10 outros curtiu isso
British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa8 years ago

Since the marathon went off extremely well, I have begun the motions of planning a Relay race for our next event! If you want to sign-up for the event, here is the link and I look forward to your submissions!

EDIT: Sign-ups are delayed until mid to late March.

British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa8 years ago

So the Marathon is decided and The schedule is now live! Here it is guys! And I hope to see you all there!

British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa8 years ago

Hey guys! I'm TheKasaPuppy and I am starting up another Kingdom Hearts Marathon since it's been quite some time since the last one.

If you want to get involved, either with runs or restreaming or anything else, I have a sign-up ready.

If you would like to help in any other way, be it publicity, graphics, or just helping us organize runs and scheduling, feel free to message me on my twitter.

I am super excited to get this rolling, and would love to include you in this event.

Edit: We've chosen January 28th, 29th for the Marathon.

British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa8 years ago

Plat, Silver and Gold crown have a tell when you achieve that %. So using those as a timing method would work. However, because of previous times, we would have to re-time their PB's and would take some work. If we're going to implement it, we will need to converse with those involved, and allow them the chance to agree or disagree to these new terms.

British Columbia, CanadaItsKasa8 years ago

I agree with this, and it seems like a very entertaining and enjoyable run to me anyway.

Sobre ItsKasa
9 years ago
1 month ago
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