EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

Yeah me too. But apparently it's been removed.

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

What ways are there of completing 38 quicker? Any techniques are much appreciated.

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

Where can I get the game for android?

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

Maybe a Softlock% category, where you have to get a softlock as fast as possible.

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

The mods have nothing to do with this. There are no places to use your keyboard at all in this game, so I don't know how you even managed to break it. And don't say it's because you got angry that you lost and smashed your keyboard.

Tume_K5, Liam2004 e 2 outros curtiu isso
EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

I want to do a run on the full story but I can't get past question 70 (chapter 2). Any tips to get past the question?

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

@SnowyPanda yeah it happened to me once where I submitted 2 runs on TING (There Is No Game)

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

I think you could compete the game and then after Tiny Wario keep going, completing the entire game rather than just the stages (100% category)

I also think there should be an Any% No Resets category.

EnglandIloGaming45 years ago

So you can skip cutscenes.

EnglandIloGaming46 years ago

Aren't you a moderator though?

tópico: 40xEscape
EnglandIloGaming46 years ago

How come there's a section Any% but not a 100% category?

Also what makes a run Any%?

EnglandIloGaming46 years ago

I got a 4:30 on the Glitch% category but the rules stated that you need a video proof. Is this necessary with this run?

EnglandIloGaming46 years ago

I would use a skip for 34, 68, 84, 92 and 94.

FluffyVulpix curtiram isso
EnglandIloGaming46 years ago

I have seen many great runs for the iOS version of this game, so I would like to request a 100% Mobile category.

Sobre IloGaming4
6 years ago
5 years ago
Jogos jogados
The Impossible Quiz Book
The Impossible Quiz Book
Última corrida 6 years ago
There Is No Game
There Is No Game
Última corrida 6 years ago
Última corrida 6 years ago
Don't Shit Your Pants
Don't Shit Your Pants
Última corrida 6 years ago
Jogos seguidos
The Impossible Quiz Book
The Impossible Quiz Book
Última visita 5 years ago