Is anyone there alive?
I used Project64 emulator runs a Speedskating 1500m in 1'47"97
It's a N64 game not PS1
I'm sure that we should sepreate N64 and PS1 subcategories not con and emu 2'01'' by XingKongYeChicky 1'25'' by 弹钢琴的14 all skip 1'34'' by 弹钢琴的14 1'48'' by 骑驴的熊 6'19'' by 114514bbbb 3'30'' by 掘地求升盖亚
idk if these runs can be verified so I put them here and they're decided by you two
My friend wanna have a try of pokemon r/b
but he uses a illegal emulator
i wanna know if it can be legal
if not, he need a android gb emulator and a rom so im looking for it now
just wanna know for fun cause my rubixcube has been taken away by my teacher :(
I aint gonna play goise anymore
but i'll update my goise modpack
I'll continue following ZengTY and his progress
he says he wanna sub45 or even less
Fonnet Batty said he is also trying to get a sub50 but I havent seen him since
Just let them trying i really have to studying
RIP HM 2021.10-2024.8
My RPG game is still underway
It will release before Sept. I think
a goiwbf speedrunner, weihe, is trying to write a Python script to get the data from
but he failed lol
so im gonna get data by myself instead of computer
632 runs what the heck
its really hard
i'll update to 6/1/2024
Why pogostuck is not here
I ve got a 86s
And im trying to reach sub 70 or even more
I have got a 63s with a lot of mistakes and it used speed-changing
Its absolutely possible to beat sub 60 and im sure it will be so
so plz add pogostuck map into the leaderboard
When will the goise tournament begin? Maybe i cant take part in it
Is there any possibility to get a sub40?
Who can create a account of and then give a goise project to me 'cause i didnt have vpn to connect
How to do a sub3 toturial (I got 7 sub3.07 but no sub3 yet)
How to play goise with trackpad or mouse ezily
What's ur goiwbf pb
I'll have my final examination for my 1st semester of G8 next week
After my exam i might come back for my sub45
Ive got a 46.50(in my dream lol) 47.23(real) on Dec. 11th 2023
Im not sure whether i can come back or not
I may also play SMB or SM64 or GOIWBF or even efootball lol
I've tried (idk the perfect tense is right) over 500 attempts at goise to get a sub48
I've actualy got a 27 Anvil pace but died on space (32 bucket, 35 ice, 38.6 tower pace, it was gonna be a sub48 if i get a 9.3 space, but a 13 space makes me get a 50.900)
I may quit the game and i'll play goiwbf and my rubiks cube :)
and i made my game Plat Cat IV on
try to play it plz XD
who can send me a sheet of speedrunners' pb's
i think i can made a new timer im trying to make the timer realer set the default time to 'd', the realer time to 't', the speed of the cat passing through the finish line to 'v', the distance the cat exceeds the finish line to 's'. t=d-(s/v). maybe it work because i haven't try.
Y your speedrun recording can save in another project I wanna know how to do it
When I joined there are 7 Speedrunners get sub60 But now there are 33 Insane I always steped in 2rd-6th I get a wr in 9/28 in 46.433 But the record was broken before the video was sent... HM always sad...
Please reprint your project here: I cant download it