One Handed.
So basically, this is just using the right hand for playing the entire game. This have so much potential and Poke already got a sub 20 run.
This could have the main cateogories such as 0, 1, 16, 70, 120(being 16 the most viable). The rules could be the same in each category.
Collect every star that includes an X-less trick: Owless, Cannonless, Breezeless, Carpetless, Pillarless. Maybe more X-less tricks can be added to this category.
Any BLJ allowed and the time ends when you get the last X-less star
Thanks for replying, I will check the discord then.
True, I didn't realize that. However, I still can't find a way to use both the controller and keyboard in the same run
Thanks for both answers. I’ve read the rules, and It says that scheme must be the same. The restriction is that you can’t map analog to digital and vice versa. As for the plugin, I found it, but it doesn’t allow the keyboard as an input.
I was wondering if emulators are allowed for this game
Is it possible to configure a key to switch between keyboard and controller in a run to be able to do BLJs with keyboard?