most, this sounds so much easier in glitched, and also the only emote you need is vpose which you can get for free by doing some shit in a game, just look it up if you want to, looking forward to beating it
also, glitched or glitchless cuz glitched should have a couple small timesaves
i knew it was possible but i only know of one like 10ish sec timesave and one 1-2 sec timesave, please share
oh yeah, those messages can delay shit, just avoid those in general
i may be misunderstanding this, but do you mean when "its getting late" text appears or how long the actual fadeout and fadein takes? if its the first one my current understanding is that a timer starts when the "the front door was broken open" text appears, i sometimes stay in the house a bit more to make sure i get it
if you use intro skip, the dragons flight route may be messed up, thus making it affect part of the game depending on wether or not you use intro skip, so they banned it as a "just in case" situation.
or at least thats my understanding
bro ive already done this, beanboi2 asked me how i do it???? also it only saves like 7 sec
discord link under "resources" and just drink a cola and jump bro
its called cola over goo
my friend, jnersting (toaster_enjoyer) discovered it when we were running together 9 months ago
anyways, you should join the discord server