Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago


There's a huge new update for Into the Gloom. I'll try to spend some time in the next week or two playing through and testing things. It looks like a lot of glitches were fixed and some things were changed so after I look through everything I'll try to determine if we need to separate the leaderboard by version played. I'll let you all know what I find and definitely let me know if you all find anything as well.

You can read all about the changes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/342350/view/6441906068950839782?l=english


Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

All, due to a 3-way tie for World Record on the PC version I have decided to add milliseconds to the leaderboard. I will be retiming most of your runs today but I've already done the 3 that were tied for first on PC.

Just wanted to let you know we'll be using ms from now on.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever1 year ago

Might want to add Switch and Xbox to the console list as it's released on those now.

Do I submit under PS4 if I'm playing via backwards compatibility on a PS5 or do you want to add PS5 as well?

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

Can we add PS5 as a platform selection please? I'm going to do some runs on PS5 so I'd like to get it added as soon as we can if possible.

soulmass218 curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

Anyone have a list of all poster and storybook locations? I think there are 4 storybooks if I remember correctly but I can't find anything on how many posters there are. I'm trying to do a Lore% run soon and was trying to do some research ahead of time.

I do have the strategy guide so I can check to see if the posters are in there I suppose but was hoping someone already had a list somewhere.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago


I completed a speedrun of the PS4 version via backwards compatibility on my PS5. There is some screen tearing but otherwise, it seems to work mostly fine. Do you want me to submit it as PS4 or do you want to add PS5 as a selectable platform?

Here's the video in case you want to watch it. Actual run starts around 1:45

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago


Your first place (and second place) runs on the Unity leaderboard were actually done in the FPSC version. They're even both already included on the FPSC leaderboard, I think someone just forgot to delete them off the Unity board when the category separation happened or something. It's pretty easy to tell they aren't done in the Unity version. Pixelated_Chaos is the only run on that board that actually used the Unity version.

I've been learning this game this month and was trying to find Unity version runs to watch but it turns out most people ran this on the older FPSC version of the game.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

Sizeable released an update today which adds the final 4 levels to the game (and 4 more turtles to find). This means the game is now feature complete (other than small bug fixes). As a result, I'm going to have to change the leaderboards up a little bit because as they added content, people submitted runs and the game got bigger and bigger and I just didn't know what to do tbh.

So I was waiting for them to finally finish the game until I made a decision. I think the only thing I can do at this point is archive the old leaderboards and put something like (pre-v1.6) in the titles to distinguish them and then add new Any% and 100% categories for people that want to run the full actual game as it exists now and will continue to exist from here on out.

I know this is going to create some frustration and confusion but it's very rare that a game does something like this. They just kept adding levels every few months and I just had no idea how to handle something like that on the leaderboard. I probably should have instituted a requirement to say which version of the game you ran at some point but hindsight is 2020.....

Anyway, let me know if you have comments, concerns, questions, etc. I don't want to erase everyones times so I think making the leaderboards separate between version 1.6 and previous versions is probably the best I can do to keep your times on the board but also keep it fair for everyone that plays the game from here on out as there's just no way anyone that plays the game today can compete with times from when the game first launched.

The leaderboard change won't occur today but it will be fairly soon. You can still submit times as normal and I'll just place it on the appropriate board the day the change takes place.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

So this is a weird one....I'm trying to derust this game and I finally got it working on DXWND in a windowed mode and it runs fine now. When the game first launches I can alt+tab out just fine. If I start the game, skip the first cutscene, and then alt+tab out it works fine again. But once I get to the first Pyramid Head fight I go to alt+tab out and it won't let me which means I can't look at the RNG Manip sheet. And from that point forward in the game, I can't alt+tab out at all. Even if I quit back to the menu, I'm now completely unable to alt+tab out of the game.

It's a really strange issue. Has anyone else experienced this? It's pretty frustrating. I can't think of any reason it would work for a while and then just stop working and be permanently broken after that. If I close the game (once it happens) and then reopen it, it works again until I need it at the Pyramid Head fight and then it's not working again from there forward. Somewhere in between the bathroom at the beginning and the PH fight, it just breaks.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

IDK if this will help us save time or not but I shared it with Punchy on Twitter and thought I'd share it here as well: in the room where you get the lightbulbs if you pick them up in a certain order, they are in the perfect order in your inventory so you don't have to scroll past any. Now picking them up in the right order may waste more time than it saves but I just did it in a run I just completed and I got a new PB. That could have been coincidence but I'm just throwing it out here for anyone that wants to try it.

So you pick up the left lightbulb first. Then pick up the right lighbulb and work your way back towards the left. So if the lighbulbs from left to right were numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 you would pick up them up in this order: 1,4,3,2.

Again, the time it takes to do this may negate any time you might save scrolling through your inventory but I've been trying it for a few days and so far I'm not noticing time loss at the very least so it's worth thinking about further testing.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever2 years ago

The Steam version of Submerged was just patched today with a fast travel button added to the pause menu for returning back to home base.

Might be useful during runs, might not. remains to be seen. Just thought I'd notify the board.

madallag curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

I've added a glitchless any% category. For now, I'm considering glitches to be the pot trick to reach places you're not actually supposed to be able to reach, the spell trick where you cast a spell before a cutscene so that it finishes during a cutscene, etc.

Basically glitchless is for playing the game through on the path the developers intended with no skips.

Anyway, my run has been moved over as when I started running this it was just after launch and there were no glitches found at that time yet. The last place run on the Any% board has been removed altogether as the video link is broken. I went to their Youtube channel and there are only 2 videos and they have no other links other than discord on their profile. If we get an active link so that I can check it for glitches, I'll add their time back to the appropriate leaderboard. Everyone else stays put on the regular Any% board as the other runs all use some form of "glitch". All the other rules are the same.

Category separation was done because Any% is slowly getting super fast at this point so for anyone that actually wants to do a longer run, we've added this as another category for you.

Let me know if you have any questions. And thanks to Nupali for the suggestion.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

This game as we know it will be forever changed tomorrow. Parts of the game are going away, parts are changing, and more content is being added. So, we may want to prepare the leaderboard for that.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

For 2 days now I haven't been able to load the 100% category so I can check the rules. Somethings up with the site for me. Can someone respond with the rules for 100% please?

Follow up question: I did a 100% run this week but did NOT do the new mission that's available after you complete the game. They just added that new mission in the update that launched this week (once you finish the game, you launch it again into Explore mode and follow clues given to you by black plants - the same kind that appear in Under Depths). So I guess my follow up question is - do we now have to complete the new mission in order to have a successful 100%? I'm assuming not since that mission wasn't available for the first 6 years after this game launched but just wanted to make sure my video wasn't invalid.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

Hi all, the previous moderator was MIA for well over a year so I had them add me. There were 3 pending runs (1 was my own) and the other 2 were from 7+ months ago. So, I just wanted to say we have an active mod now. Please let me know if there's any rule changes or anything we need to take a look at. If you weren't submitting runs because they weren't getting approved - please by all means start submitting again.

I also want to add some new categories. Glitchless will be the first one. I tested it the last 2 days and my best time is 23m50s but I'm sure if some of you have done runs in that category you've probably got better times so by all means, please submit those as soon as the category is live.

The last category I'm considering, but am not sure how to go about it, is a 100% category. I haven't looked into it enough to know whether or not it's doable or whether we should so any feedback you want to give on that last one would be great.

Any other comments/suggestions please feel free to let them fly and good luck with your runs everyone!

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

Is there a consistent strategy/guide for how to do the glitch by the @ symbol on the sign after you get the demo cd? I've been trying to do that glitch for like an hour and I can't seem to get it to work. I've watched people do it but no one explains it. What's the trick?

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

Ok this is driving me nuts - I've tried to speedrun this (glitchless) multiple times this evening but every time I get to the apartment I get stuck. She keeps asking me to look at the documents. I've looked at every document a million times. All the maps. Everything. However, when I looked at an old playthrough of mine, I foundd 2 notes that I can't seem to find while I'm speedrunning. Note from Miles & Note From Carmen.

Does anyone know how to quicklly access these notes and where they're located? Because I swear I've looked at every note in those 3 books up and down and all 4 maps and I can't find these notes for Carmen & Miles but in my regular playthrough, I had to look at those before I could proceed. I even checked the keybindings to make sure I wasn't missing something. Documents wasn't mapped to anything for some weird reason. Maps is on 2 and Journal or whatever is on 4. When I set Documents to 3 all it does is open the Maps screen. So IDK if there's a general Documents page that I just can't get to or something but it seems so simple yet I can't find them.

Any help would be appreciated as this is frustrating the heck out of me and it's only a few minutes into the run.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever3 years ago

Anyone else ran across issues with the mission where you follow Nick and stay about 50 meters back?

I was attempting to run the 360 version the other day and, now that it's happened, I realize I've experienced it on PS3 and Switch as well. What happens is, you follow Nick and you're almost to the end of the mission and all of a sudden, Emily turns to you and says "We lost him" and then it starts you over back at the police station.

I was exactly 50 meters back which is where the "blue" color starts. If you're closer than 50 you're in the orange (which leads to red I believe). If you go back further than like 100 you'll lose him I think. So, I tend to stick right at 50 for the whole mission.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, is there a solution or is just another glitch/quirk that we have to put up with when running this game?

Oh and I should also point out that this time I was running the 360 version on a Series X. I think last time this happened was on a PS3 using the Red Seeds Profile version of the game from Japan and then before that it would have been the US Switch version of Origins. So, it doesn't seem to care about platform lol.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever4 years ago

The 100% world record times are backwards

The larger time right now is the In Game Time but Real Time should be the larger number. Pretty sure someone just entered them backwards.

Pennsylvania, USADroogie4Ever4 years ago

So, I had this exact same issue back when I was running this game full time. 9 out of 10 of my runs, I would start the run and then when I got to the burning house, suddenly I had a picture within a picture. It's kind of faded into the background and you can barely see it but it's in the upper left corner and it's literally just an exact image of what's happening in the full picture.

I have scoured the PPSSPP forums looking for a way to fix this issue and haven't found anything. Sometimes it randomly goes away and then I can do 1 or 2 runs and then it comes back and I end up having to restart 10 times in a row to get it to go away. And that includes completely closing PPSSPP and re-opening it and re-launching the game.

At this point, it's gotten so annoying that it's making me not want to run the game. I actually really enjoy 0rigiins but it's this emulator issue that's just driving me insane.

So, my question is: has anyone else that's using emulator had this issue? Any ideas how I can fix it? I'm desperate to get this issue resolved. I definitely don't want to submit a run that has it so it's just killing my drive to speedrun this game. I posted an image on Twitter so you can see what the problem actually looks like. Just look in the upper left corner.


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